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partition rename

Renames a partition, legacy or PPSO, and optionally changes the label of a legacy partition.

PPSO partitions are labeled when they are initialized by the partition SO (PSO) in lunacm, and cannot be relabeled without re-initializing.


partition rename -partition <oldname> [-newname <name>] [-newlabel <label>] [-force]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-partition -p Specifies the name of the HSM partition to rename. Obtain the HSM partition name by using the partition list command.
-newname -newn New name for the partition.
-newlabel -newl A new label for the partition (visible from PKCS#11 clients/applications). This applies to legacy partitions only. Uses the partition name if no label is specified.


lunash:>partition rename -partition k01-legacy -newname km01-legacy -newlabel km01-leg

CAUTION:  Are you sure you wish to make the following changes to partition "k01-legacy"?:
              Partition name:   km01-legacy
              Partition label:  km01-leg

          Type 'proceed' to change the partition name/label, or 'quit'
          to quit now.
          > proceed
        Partition name successfully updated on the HSM.
        Partition name successfully updated in the partition file list.
        Partition name successfully updated in the Client Authenticate Configuration File.

'partition rename' successful.

Command Result : 0 (Success)