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my public-key

Access commands that allow the currently logged in user to manage their public keys. Add a public key for your user if you wish to authenticate your sessions using public-key authentication rather than password. The SafeNet Network HSM is shipped with public-key authentication allowed, by default. However, you nevertheless must make your first connections using password authentication, until you have imported a public key from your computer and added it to the appliance with my public-key add command.

Note:  The my public-key commands manage the existence of the public keys for use by ssh sessions, but the commands to enable and disable their use on SafeNet Network HSM are still at:   
sysconf ssh publickey enable   
sysconf ssh publickey disable  


my public-key


Parameter Shortcut Description
add a Adds an SSH public key for the currently logged in user. See my public-key add.
clear c Deletes all SSH public keys for the currently logged in user. See my public-key clear.
delete d

Deletes an SSH public key for the currently logged in user. See my public-key delete.

list l Lists the SSH public keys owned by the currently logged in user. See my public-key list.