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htl show

Shows HTL information for all clients, unless a specific client is named, in which case HTL information for the named client, only, is shown. The following information is displayed:

HTL Grace Period The system-level provisionable grace period, in seconds, as set with the htl set graceperiod command. This is how long the connection can be down, and still recover.
Default OTT Expiry The system-level provisionable default OTT expiry period, in seconds, as set with the htl set defaultottexpiry command.
Client name The client name, as set with the client register command.
HTL Status

Can be one of the following:

Up - the HTL link is up and operational.

Grace Period - the HTL link is down but the connection is still in the grace period for re-establishment without a new OTT.

Unknown - couldn't determine the HTL state (probably the HTL server is down).

Down - any other case, including an HTL link that's in the negotiation phase.

OTT Status

Can be one of the following:

Ready for d/l - the OTT file is available for download by the admin or operator users (currently available via scp only)

In use - there is an OTT file for this user in the HTL directory, which implies that it's being used by HTL at the moment

No file - there's no OTT file for this user on the system

OTT Expiry Time Shows the provisioned OTT expiry time in seconds. This is the length of time for which a generated OTT is good, during which you must transfer it from the HSM to a client. If you have not specifically provisioned OTT expiry time, the system default is shown, with "(default") after it.


htl show [-client <clientname>]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-client -c

Specifies the client for which you want to show HTL configuration information. This is the client name provided when you registered the client using the client register command.


lunash:> htl show
HTL Grace period : 30 seconds
Default OTT expiry : 30 seconds
Client Name 	HTL Status 	OTT Status 	OTT Expiry Time
localhost 	Up 	        In use 	        30 (default)
myclient 	Down 	        No file 	60
Command Result : 0 (Success)