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Lunacm Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > stcconfig > stcconfig replaywindowshow

stcconfig replaywindowshow

Display the size of the packet replay window for an STC link. This value specifies the number of packets in the window of sequenced packets that are tracked to provide anti-replay protection.

This command is available only if the current slot is a PPSO partition.

About the Replay Window

All packets sent over the STC link are sequenced and tracked. This allows the receiver to reject old or duplicate packets, thus preventing an attacker from attempting to insert or replay packets on the link. STC employs a sliding window for replay prevention. The receiver remembers which packets it has received within the specified window, and rejects any packets that have already been received or that are older than the oldest packet in the window. Some flexibility is allowed in accepting packets ahead of the sequence window, as valid packets in a short range ahead of the window cause the window to slide forward.

Note:  Each STC packet corresponds to a single command. That is, each command sent to the HSM is encapsulated within a single STC packet.


stcconfig replaywindowshow [-slot <slot_id>]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-slot <slot_id> -s <slot_id>

Specifies the slot containing the partition for which you want to display the size of the replay window.

This parameter is available only if you are logged into the HSM's Admin partition.


Current slot
lunacm:> stcc rwsh
The current replay window size for slot 2 is 120 commands.
Specified slot
lunacm:> stcc rwsh
The current replay window size for slot 3 is 120 commands.