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stcconfig partitionidshow

Display a partition's STC public key and serial number.

This command is available only if the current slot is a PPSO partition.


stcconfig partitionidshow [-slot <slot_id>]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-slot <slot_id> -s <slot_id>

Specifies the slot for the partition for which you want to display the public key and serial number.

This parameter is available only if you are logged into the HSM's Admin partition.


Current slot
lunacm:> stcc pidsh
Partition Serial Number:				150253010
Partition Identity Public Key SHA1 Hash:		2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12
Specified slot
lunacm:> stcc pidsh -s 2
Partition Serial Number:				1588965732
Partition Identity Public Key SHA1 Hash:		3laec4e3bc2cc3b441aebce3cce32a3aa24df3fd