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stcconfig clientderegister

Deregister a client's STC public key from a partition. You must be logged into the partition as the SO to use this command.

This command is available only if the current slot is a PPSO partition.

CAUTION:  Deregistering a client's public key disables the STC link to that client.

WARNING!  If you delete the client identity for the partition SO, you will lose the partition. You can only recover by restoring the partition from a backup, with the help of the HSM SO.


stcconfig clientderegister -slot <slot_id> -label <client_label>

Parameter Shortcut Description
-slot <slot_id> -s <slot_id>

Specifies the slot containing the partition from which you want to deregister the client.

This parameter is available only if you are logged into the HSM's Admin partition.

-label <client_label> -l <client_label> A string used to identify the client being deregistered.


Current slot
lunacm:> stcc cld -l dkeon 
Successfully deregistered the client public key of dkeon in slot 3
Specified slot
lunacm:> stcc -s 2 cld -l dkeon 
Successfully deregistered the client public key of dkeon in slot 2