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stcconfig ciphershow

List the symmetric encryption cipher algorithms you can use for data encryption on an STC link.

This command is available only if the current slot is a PPSO partition.


stcconfig ciphershow [-slot <slot_id>]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-slot <slot_id> -s <slot_id>

Specifies the slot containing the partition whose available cipher algorithms to want to display.

This parameter is available only if you are logged into the HSM's Admin partition.


Current slot
lunacm:> stcc cish
Cipher ID   Cipher Name
0           No Cipher
1	    AES 128 Bit with Cipher Block Change
2	    AES 192 Bit with Cipher Block Change
3	    AES 256 Bit with Cipher Block Change
Specified slot
lunacm:> stcc cish -s 
Cipher ID   Cipher Name
0           No Cipher
1	    AES 128 Bit with Cipher Block Change
2	    AES 192 Bit with Cipher Block Change
3	    AES 256 Bit with Cipher Block Change