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stc partitionderegister

Remove the partition identity public key that is currently registered to the STC client token. Use this command if you no longer require access to a registered partition.

After invoking this command, use the command clientconfig restart to restart LunaCM and refresh the slot list.

CAUTION:  Deregistering a partition disables the STC link. Any applications using the partition will lose access to the partition.


stc partitionderegister -serial <partition_serial_number> [-force]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-serial <partition_serial_number> -s <partition_serial_number> Specifies the serial number of the partition to deregister.
-force -f Force the action without prompting.


lunacm:> stc pard -s 98730559
Are you sure you want to deregister the partition 98730559?
Type ‘proceed’ to continue, or ‘quit’ to quit now -> proceed
Partition 98730559 successfully deregistered from the client token.