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Lunacm Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > slot > slot set

slot set

Set the current slot number. The current slot is the slot to which you want the lunacm commands to apply.

Lunacm commands work on the current slot. If there is only one slot, then it is always the current slot. If there is more than one slot, then use the slot set command to direct the focus at the desired slot/partition, so that you can use lunacm commands against whatever HSM admin partition or application partition occupies the indicated slot.

If you have only a single HSM with firmware older than version 6.22.0 installed-in/connected-to your computer, then lunacm displays just the one slot, which is both the HSM administrative partition and the application partition. So slot set would not be useful in that case.

This command is useful where you have more than one SafeNet module installed-in or connected-to your computer, or when you have a single HSM with firmware 6.22.0 or newer, such that the HSM administrative slot is separate from the application partition slot. In those cases, you can use the slot list command to see which slot numbers have been assigned, and then use slot set to specify which of the available HSM partitions (in their slots) you wish to address with lunacm commands.

Note:  Slots retain login state when current-slot focus changes.

For HSMs with firmware earlier than version 6.22.0, when you used slot set to move the focus from an HSM partition or slot with logged in session(s), to another partition or slot, any sessions on the original slot were automatically closed (thus logged out).

For HSMs with firmware version 6.22.0 of newer, you can use slot set to repeatedly shift focus among slots, and whatever login state was in force when you were previously focused on a slot is still in effect when you return to that slot.


slot set -slot <slot_number>

Parameter Shortcut Description
-slot -s The number of the slot that you wish to assign as the current slot for other lunacm utility commands to work with.


lunacm:> slot set -slot 4
Command Result : No Error