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Lunacm Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > role > role recoveryinit

role recoveryinit

Create an HA keypair. This command applies to SafeNet PCI-E HSM or SafeNet USB HSM. Does not apply to SafeNet Network HSM partitions that appear in Lunacm via NTLS or STC channel.

( See also CKDemo The HIGH AVAILABILITY RECOVERY Menu Functions)


command <parameter> role recoveryinit [-plabel <string>] [-rlabel <string>] [-keyhandle <number>] [-force]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-plabel -pl RSA Public key label.
-rlabel -rl RSA Private key label.
-keyhandle -kh RSA Private key handle (optional).
-force -f Force action (useful for scripting).


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