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Lunacm Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > role > role list

role list

List the roles available on the current partition/slot.


role list


LunaCM v6.0.0 - Copyright (c) 2006-2015 SafeNet, Inc.

        Available HSMs:

        Slot Id ->              0
        Tunnel Slot Id ->       2
        Label ->                mypciepsopar
        Serial Number ->        349297122736
        Model ->                K6 Base
        Firmware Version ->     6.22.0
        Configuration ->        Luna User Partition With SO (PED) Signing With Cloning Mode
        Slot Description ->     User Token Slot

        Slot Id ->              1
        Tunnel Slot Id ->       2
        Label ->                mypcie6
        Serial Number ->        150022
        Model ->                K6 Base
        Firmware Version ->     6.22.0
        Configuration ->        Luna HSM Admin Partition (PED) Signing With Cloning Mode
        Slot Description ->     Admin Token Slot
        HSM Configuration ->    Luna HSM Admin Partition (PED)
        HSM Status ->           OK

        Slot Id ->              3
        HSM Label ->            myG5
        HSM Serial Number ->    7001312
        HSM Model ->            G5Base
        HSM Firmware Version -> 6.10.4
        HSM Configuration ->    SafeNet USB HSM (PED) Signing With Cloning Mode
        HSM Status ->           OK

        Current Slot Id: 0

lunacm:> role list

                Partition SO                      
                Crypto Officer                    
                Crypto User                       

Command Result : No Error
lunacm:> slot set slot 1

        Current Slot Id:    1     (Luna Admin Slot 6.22.0 (PED) Signing With Cloning Mode)

Command Result : No Error

lunacm:> role list

                Admin User                   

Command Result : No Error


Change to a slot with older firmware, and the role commands are not available

lunacm:> slot set slot 3

        Current Slot Id:    3     (SafeNet USB HSM 6.10.1 (PED) Signing With Cloning Mode)

Command Result : No Error

lunacm:> role list

Valid Commands:

  The following commands are available:

  Command         Short    Description

  exit                  e         exits this utility
  help                  h         displays this information
  hsm                   hs        HSM commands
  audit                 au        Audit commands
  partition             par       Partition commands
  appid                 a         Manage Application Ids
  slot                  s         Manage the active slot number
  file                  f         File commands
  srk                   r         Secure Recovery commands
  remoteBackup          rb        Manage Remote Backup Server
  hagroup               ha        High Availability Group Commands

  clientconfig          ccfg      Client Configuration
  stc                   stc       STC commands

Command Result : 0x1 (Unknown command)

lunacm:> slot set slot 1