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Lunacm Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > hsm > hsm restart

hsm restart

Restart the SafeNet HSM. Use this command to restart the SafeNet HSM if it has stopped responding, but your computer is still responsive. This command closes out any login status and open sessions.

If you are a developer, trace what you were doing at the time the problem occurred and try to find another way to program the task that does not put the module in an unresponsive state. If that is not possible, then contact SafeNet Support with details of the problem and how to reproduce it.

If you are an end-user customer, using an application developed by a supplier other than SafeNet, contact that company for a resolution of the problem. They know how their application is programmed to accomplish tasks that use the SafeNet HSM, and they can determine possible workarounds or fixes. If the third-party supplier determines that there is an actual implementation fault with the Luna, they will contact SafeNet after gathering the relevant information.

Note:  The lunacm hsm commands appear only when the current slot selected in lunacm is for a locally-installed HSM, such as a SafeNet PCI-E HSM. When lunacm is directed at a slot corresponding to a remote SafeNet Network HSM, the hsm-level commands do not appear, since lunacm has a client-only connection to a remote HSM and therefore cannot log in as SO to a remote HSM. To access HSM commands on the SafeNet Network HSM appliance, you must use the LunaSH.

Note:  The hsm reset command is available when the currently selected slot is an HSM administrative slot on a local HSM with firmware older than version 6.22.0.
HSMs with firmware 6.22.0 or newer have the command hsm restart, instead, which is more descriptive of what the command does.

Command hsm reset did not have a "proceed" option, and went directly to execution. Command hsm restart asks you to verify that you wish to proceed, unless you use the -force option.


hsm restart [-force]  

Parameter Shortcut Description
-force -f Force the action (useful when scripting)


lunacm:> hsm restart
        You are about to restart the HSM. You will lose all volatile data.
        Are you sure you wish to continue?

        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now -> proceed

   Command Result : No Error