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hsm recoveryinit

Rerforms a recovery (formerly High Availability) initialization on the current active session.


hsm recoveryinit [-plabel <rsapublickeylabel> -rlabel <rsaprivatekeylabel> -keyhandle <rsaprivatekeyhandle>] [-force] -password

Parameter Shortcut Description
-plabel -pl RSA Public key label.
-rlabel -rl RSA Private key label.
-keyhandle -kh RSA Private Key handle (optional).
-force -f Force the action (no prompts).

Note:  Labels are required only to create custom-named RecoveryInit RSA key pair, which is the default action if [keyhandle] is not supplied.


lunacm:> hsm recoveryinit
Generating RSA Key pair for Recovery Init...
No label were supplied for the RSA key pair. Default labels
will be used.
Are you sure you wish to continue?
Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now -> proceed
Command Result : Success