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Lunacm Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > hsm > hsm contents

hsm contents

Show the contents of the SO space. If the SO is logged in, this command displays the contents of the SO space (exclusive of user partition contents). If the SO is not logged in, this command displays all SO objects that are available from a public session.

Note:  The lunacm hsm commands appear only when the current slot selected in lunacm is for a locally-installed HSM, such as a SafeNet PCI-E HSM. When lunacm is directed at a slot corresponding to a remote SafeNet Network HSM, the hsm-level commands do not appear, since lunacm has a client-only connection to a remote HSM and therefore cannot log in as SO to a remote HSM. To access HSM commands on the SafeNet Network HSM appliance, you must use the LunaSH.


hsm contents


lunacm:> hsm contents
You are not logged in. Looking for objects in a public session.
No objects are currently viewable from a public session.
Command Result : No Error
lunacm:> hsm login
If you are not activated, please attend to the PED.
Command Result : No Error
lunacm:> hsm contents
The SO is currently logged in. Looking for objects in the SO's partition.
No objects are currently viewable.
Command Result : No Error