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Lunacm Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > hagroup > hagroup retry -count

hagroup retry

Modify the HA Recover retry count.

For HA recovery attempts:

The default retry interval is 60 seconds.

The default number of retries is effectively infinite.

The HA configuration section in the Chrystoki.conf/crystoki.ini file is created and populated when either the interval or the number of retries is specified in the lunacm hagroup retry commands.  


hagroup retry -count <-1 or 0 or positive integer>

Command Shortcut Description
-count -i

Sets the number of times the HA controller attempts to recover a member that fails. Enter a value of -1 to specify unlimited retries. Enter a value of 0 to enable auto-recover for HA.

Default: 0
Range: 1 to 500


lunacm:> hagroup retry -count -1 
Command Result : No Error