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Lunacm Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > hagroup > hagroup addstandby

hagroup addstandby

Add a standby member to an HA group. Use the "-slot" option or the "-serialNumber" option to specify which HSM to add to the group. All PED authenticated HA group members must have a challenge created, and activation turned on, and all challenges must be the same.


hagroup addstandby -serialnumber <serial number> -group <label>

Parameter Shortcut Description
-serialNumber  -se Serial number of new standby member -  the serial number that identifies the standby HSM being added to the HA group.
-group -g Label for the group being joined - a label for the HA group being created.


lunacm:> hagroup addstandby -serialnumber 12345679 -group mygroup      
Command Result : No Error