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Configuration Guide > Creating an Application Partition (SO, Crypto Officer, and Domain) > PED-Authenticated Partition > Partition SO Configures PED-authenticated PPSO Application Partition

Initialize the Partition SO and Crypto Officer Roles on a PED-Auth PPSO Partition

These instructions assume a PED-authenticated SafeNet HSM that has been initialized, and an application partition has been created, capable of having its own Security Officer (see previous steps by HSM SO HSM SO Configures PED-authenticated Partition with SO, Local to Client).

You will need:

An HSM that has firmware 6.22.0, or later, and the Per-Partition SO capability installed.

SafeNet PED and PED Keys with labels. These instructions assume that your SafeNet PED is connected locally.

These instructions assume that you have already made your decisions whether to use all-new, blank PED Keys, or to re-use any existing, imprinted PED Keys for any of the steps.

Step 1: Initialize the Partition SO role

1.Set the active slot to the created, uninitialized, application partition.
Type slot set -slot <slot number>

lunacm:> slot set -slot 0

        Current Slot Id:    0     (Luna User Slot 6.22.0 (PED) Signing With Cloning Mode)

Command Result : No Error



2.Initialize the application partition, to create the partition's Security Officer (SO).
Type partition init -label <a label>  

lunacm:> par init -label ppsopar

        You are about to initialize the partition.
        All partition objects will be destroyed.

        Are you sure you wish to continue?

        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now -> proceed

        Please attend to the PED.


Respond to SafeNet PED prompts...

Command Result : No Error

Step 2: Initialize the Crypto Officer role

1.The SO of the application partition can now assign the first operational role within the new partition.
Type role login -name Partition SO  

lunacm:> role login -name Partition SO

        Please attend to the PED.

Command Result : No Error



2.Type role init -name Crypto Officer   

lunacm:> role init -name Crypto Officer

        Please attend to the PED.


Respond to SafeNet PED prompts...

Command Result : No Error



3.The application partition SO can create the Crypto Officer, but only the Crypto Officer can create the Crypto User. Therefore, the SO must log out to allow the Crypto Officer to log in.
Type role logout  


lunacm:> role logout

Command Result : No Error



At this point, the Crypto Officer, or an application using the CO's challenge secret/password can perform cryptographic operations in the partition, as soon as the Crypto Officer logs in with role login -name Crypto Officer. However, the Crypto Officer can create, modify and delete crypto objects within the partition, in addition to merely using existing crypto objects (sign/verify). You can also create a limited-capability role called Crypto User that can use the objects created by the Crypto Officer, but cannot modify them. The separation of roles is important in some security regimes and operational situations, and where you might be required to satisfy audit criteria for industry or government oversight.

The next sequence of configuration actions is performed by the Crypto Officer, just now created for the application partition. See Initialize the Crypto User Role on a PED-Auth PPSO Partition .