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Open a Connection

Perform your initial configuration via direct serial connection to the SafeNet appliance. Once network parameters are established, you can switch to an SSH session over your network.

Direct administration connection via serial terminal is the method for initial configuration for the following reasons:

The specific IP address, randomly assigned to your SafeNet appliance by an automated testing harness during final factory testing, is unknown.

Configuring network settings via SSH, in addition to requiring the original IP address, necessarily involves losing that connection when a new IP is set.

A direct serial connection is the only route to log into the "recover" account, in case you ever lose the appliance's admin password and need to reset. Therefore, you should verify, before you need it, that the connection works - performing the appliance's network configuration is an ideal test.

Similarly, if you ever need to issue the hsm factoryreset command, you must be connected through a local serial console for that command to be accepted.

To open a connection

1.Connect a null-modem serial cable (supplied) between the serial port on the HSM appliance front panel and a dumb terminal or a PC (for example a laptop) that will serve as the administration computer.

Note:  A standard null-modem serial cable with DB9 connectors is included with the HSM appliance, as is a USB-to-serial adapter if needed. For security reasons, the USB port on the SafeNet Network HSM appliance recognizes only SafeNet HSMs and peripheral devices - therefore it is prohibited from supporting general USB operations and thus does not accept a serial console link; the 9-pin serial connector must be used.

2.Use a terminal emulation package provided with your operating system. Set the Serial connection parameters:

Serial port baud rate:  115200

N,8,1 (no parity, 8 data-bits, one stop-bit)

VT-100 terminal emulation

hardware flow control selected.

3.When the connection is made, the HSM appliance login prompt appears. [DEFAULTHOSTNAME]lunash:>  The [DEFAULTHOSTNAME] is replaced by the new hostname that you assign to your HSM appliance, later in these instructions. The prompt changes the next time you start a secure command-line interface connection.

Note:  You might need to press [ENTER] several times to initiate the session. 
You must log in within two minutes of opening an administration session, or the connection will time out.

Now that you have established a connection, go immediately to the next page to log in as “admin” and begin configuring.

Next, see First Login and Changing Password.