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Configure Your Network Settings

In this chapter you will gather the needed information and then set the values that allow your HSM appliance to work within your network, to connect to external services (like NTP), and prepare it to engage in secure communication links.

Gather appliance network setting information

Before you begin, obtain the following information (see your network administrator for most of these items):

New appliance admin Password

HSM Appliance Network Parameters

the IP address assigned to this device (if you are using static IP, which is recommended)

the hostname for the HSM appliance (registered with network DNS)

domain name

default gateway IP address

DNS Name Server IP address(es)

Search Domain name(s)

device subnet mask

Ethernet device (use eth0, which is the uppermost network jack on the HSM appliance back panel, closest to the power supply, and is labeled 1)

DNS Entries

Ensure that you have configured your DNS Server(s) with the correct entries for the appliance and the client.

If you are using DHCP, then all references to the Client and the HSM appliance (as in Certificates) should use hostnames.

Client Requirements

If you are using a client workstation with Linux or UNIX, then SSH (secure shell) and the scp utility, should be installed and ready to use (normally they are provided with the operating system).

If you are using a Windows-based workstation, then the freeware PuTTY utility suite is supplied in our SafeNet HSM Client Software, and is installed in c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\putty.exe.
The pscp utility is also included in SafeNet HSM Client Software installer, and is required for this installation.

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