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Configuration Guide > Creating an Application Partition (SO, Crypto Officer, and Domain) > Overview - Configure a Password-Authenticated Application Partition

Overview - Configure a Password-Authenticated Application Partition

You have already initialized and configured your password-authenticated SafeNet HSM, to the point of initializing the HSM and assigning a Security Officer to administer it, as well as setting any HSM-wide configuration options. In this chapter, you will create and configure an application partition on your password-authenticated HSM. You will choose between instructions for creating and configuring a legacy-style partition (owned by the HSM Security Officer) or a Per-Partition SO style partition (owned by its own separate Security Officer and largely invisible to the HSM's SO).

High-Level Configuration Steps

1.Create a partition on the HSM, as described in Create a Legacy Password-authenticated Application Partition .

2.Change the partition policies, if desired, as described in Setting SafeNet PCI-E HSM Partition Policies [Optional]