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Setting Up

Hardware and Software Requirements


Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware and Software Requirements

To ensure a successful installation of the latest version of CCC, please make sure that your system meets the following hardware and software requirements:

Hardware Requirements

Component Minimum Requirements
Free disk space 30 GB

Database space requirements depend on the number of HSM devices that CCC is monitoring. Each device can accumulate up to 850 MB of data over a three-month period. If you are using the Monitoring feature, you would need an additional 20 MB on each partition over a 90-day period.

Operating System

OS Supported Versions
Linux           The CCC application is compatible with various Linux distributions, depending on whether you are using Podman or Kubernetes for installation.

Both Podman and Kubernetes have some specific requirements regarding the version of the Linux kernel and other dependencies. Therefore, it is recommended to consult the official Podman documentation or the official Kubernetes documentation to ensure that all requirements are met and to identify any potential compatibility issues.

If you are running the CCC container in an environment with SELinux in enforcing mode, you might encounter a permission issue. To troubleshoot this issue, refer to the following link:
While running the CCC container in the SELinux enforcing mode, I’m encountering an error

Container Management Tools

Tool Supported Versions
Podman 4.1.1 and above
Podman-Compose 1.0.3 and above
Kubernetes 1.26.0 and above

Root of Trust HSM

HSM Supported Versions
Luna Network HSM Appliance software 6.2.2 with firmware 6.24.9, 6.24.3, or 6.24.7 (recommended for FIPS compliance)

Appliance software 6.3 with firmware 6.24.7 (recommended for FIPS compliance) or 6.27.0

Appliance software 7.0 with firmware 7.0.1, 7.0.2, 7.1.0, 7.2, 7.3, or 7.3.3 (recommended for FIPS compliance)

Appliance software 7.1 with firmware 7.0.1, 7.0.2, 7.1.0, 7.2, 7.3, or 7.3.3 (recommended for FIPS compliance)

Appliance software 7.7.0 with firmware 7.7.0

Appliance software 7.7.1 with firmware 7.7.1

Appliance software 7.7.1 with firmware 7.7.2

Appliance software 7.8.0 with firmware 7.8.0

Managed Devices

Parameter Requirements
Appliance Software 6.2.2, 6.3

Up to 7.3

7.4 (FM disabled for full CCC features), 7.4 (FM enabled for device monitoring only)

7.7.0 or 7.7.1 (FM disabled for full CCC features), 7.7.0 or 7.7.1 (FM enabled for device monitoring only)


Devices require REST API.

FM-enabled refers to devices that either have HSM policy 50 enabled at present, or had HSM policy 50 enabled in the past.

FM-disabled refers to devices that neither have HSM policy 50 enabled at present, nor had HSM policy 50 enabled in the past.

REST API for 6.x and 7.0 devices 7.1.0 - 7.1.0-380

7.2.0 - 7.2.0-221

7.3.0 - 7.3.0-166

7.4.0 - 7.4.0-228

REST API 7.0 is required for PUM and Apply/Support catalog features.

REST API for 7.1 and above devices REST API is pre-installed on 7.1 and above devices and requires configuration
Firmware 6.24.7 or higher for 6.x devices

Up to 7.3-165

7.7.0, 7.7.1, 7.7.2, 7.8.0
Backup Cloning or key export
Authentication PED-authenticated or password authenticated. PED-authenticated devices must support remote PED

Luna HSM Client

Installing Luna HSM client is optional. It is needed only if you want to utilize the CCC client for deploying a service. The recommended version of Luna HSM client is 10.5. Other supported versions include 10.4, 10.3, 10.2, 10.1, 7.4, 7.3, 7.2, and 7.1.

Requirements for CCC Features

Feature Monitoring License Minimum SA Version Minimum SA Firmware Lunaclient
Service Provisioning No 6.x 6.10.9 7.x
Security Officer Per Partition (PPSO) No 6.x 6.10.9 7.x
Secure Trusted Channel (STC) No 6.2.1 6.10.9 7.x
Device & Service Reports No 6.x - 7.x
Import Services No 6.x - 7.x
Device Monitoring, Dashboard, Notifications Yes 6.x 6.10.9 7.x
Device Monitoring (Full) Yes 7.3 7.3.0 7.x
Device Logs Yes 6.x - 7.x
Key Export No 6.x 6.10.9 7.1 and above
Active Directory Support No - - -
Apply SW Package No 7.3 - 7.x
Update Firmware No 7.3 - 7.x
Migrate Service No 6.2.2 6.24.3 7.2 or above

Supported Browsers

CCC supports the following web browsers:

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Google Chrome

  • Mozilla Firefox