Configuring NAE Properties File
This section contains detailed instructions on how to modify the file. The properties file defines, among other things, IP address, port, and protocol of the Key Manager appliances to which the client connects. This section contains the following topics:
To configure the SSL on CipherTurst Manager for NAE, refer to Configuring SSL on CipherTrust Manager for NAE Interface for details.
Setting the System Properties
The values in the properties file are case-sensitive. yes is not YES. tcp is not TCP. Follow the example of the default properties file.
Editing the Properties
The properties are case-sensitive. yes is not YES. tcp is not TCP. Follow the examples in the default properties file.
The values can be comment-out using #. Comments may be needed to save settings when troubleshooting. For example, to store commonly used NAE_IP addresses as shown below:
When editing parameters that use time values, the following abbreviations can be used:
ms - milliseconds. e.g. 4500ms for 4.5 seconds.
s - seconds. e.g. 30s for 30 seconds.
m - minutes. e.g. 5m for 5 minutes.
h - hours. e.g. 10h for 10 hours.
d - days. e.g. 2d for 2 days.
If an abbreviation is not included, the default time unit (milliseconds) is used.
Changing Location of File
By default, the provider searches for the file in the same location as the IngrianNAE.jar. If the properties file is used, System.setProperty() is called and the property is set to the new location.
For example,
Filename must be included when setting the property.
Configuring Parameters Programmatically
The JCE properties can be set programmatically at runtime. This can be done to (a) override the values in the file or (b) avoid storing the properties file locally. Values set programmatically override values in the properties file.
To configure the parameters programmatically:
Include the appropriate calls to the System.setProperty() method for each system property that is required to be set in the application.
The calls to System.setProperty() must occur before any calls that require the JCE providers. The provider cannot be instantiated properly if the system properties have not been set.
Set the provider entry in the file. This will store the new settings. This statement must occur after the System.setProperty() calls.