Managing Job Configuration
Job configuration contains details about the data to be transformed and the destination where the transformed data will be stored. The Application Data Protection Admin can create a Job Configuration from the CipherTrust Manager UI or API playground.
In this section, the terms BDT client and client have been used interchangeably.
All the database objects and column names (for files) are case sensitive.
When the Application Data Protection Admin runs a job, the BDT client that sends the heartbeat first will run that job using the latest configurations. When the BDT client is going to perform the operation, it sends the In Progress status to the CipherTrust Manager. If the BDT client fails to process the request, the job is Stopped with error.
The state of the job is displayed on the Job Status page of the CipherTrust Manager UI.
A Data source should exist on the CipherTrust Manager.
A Protection policy should be created on the CipherTrust Manager.
In this article, you will learn how to:
Creating Job Configuration
To create a Job Configuration:
Log on to the CipherTrust Manager GUI as administrator.
Open Application Data Protection.
In the left pane, click Job Configurations > Add Job Configuration. The Add Job Configuration Wizard is displayed. Follow the steps to complete the setup.
Add General Info
On the General Info screen, enter the following details:
Field Description Default Required Name Friendly name for job configuration. Mandatory Description Description for job configuration. Optional Unprocessed Record File Path Complete path including the file name where the failed records will be saved during transformation. Optional Click Next to go to the Data Source Info screen.
Data Source Info
The source and destination data-sources can be one of the following:
File to file (File-to-File)
Database to database (DB-to-DB)
Database to file (DB-to-File)
File to database (File-to-DB)
Click the desired tab to view the instructions to configure data sources.
On the Data Source Info screen, select the following details:
Field Description Default Required SOURCE data-source Source of the data to be transformed. If the data-source doesn't exist, create one. Mandatory DESTINATION data-source Destination where the transformed data will be stored. If the data-source doesn't exist, create one. Mandatory Click Next to go to the Table and Column Info.
Table and Column Info
On the Table and Column Info screen:
Click Add Table.
(Optional.) Under SOURCE, in the SUBSET section, specify the following details:
Field Description Default Required Offset Start record index. 0 Optional Limit Maximum number of records/rows to be transformed, starting from offset. 0 Optional Recurrency Whether to transform every row in a sequence or skip rows in-between. 1 Optional (Optional.) Under SOURCE, in the FILTERS section, specify the following details:
Field Description Default Required Selector Name of the column. Mandatory to configure filter. Operator Operator to be used. Some examples are <, >, <= >=, !=, = Mandatory to configure filter. Expression Evaluates filter on selector using the specified operator. Note
Example of Filter:
Salary > 10000
is the Selector,>
is the Operator,10000
is the Expression.Mandatory to configure filter. Similarly, you can add more filters.
Click Next to go to the Column Info screen.
On the Column Info screen, enter/select the following details.
Fileds Description Default Required Source Column Name Name of the source column.
The source column can't be null, empty; also, it should not start or end with space.Mandatory Same as Source If selected, the details of the SOURCE data-source will be replicated in the DESTINATION data-source. Optional Target Column Name Name of the target column. Mandatory when Same as Source check-box is not selected. Operation Operation to be performed on the column.
Supported options are:
— Protect
— Reveal
— ReprotectMandatory Source Column Action Action to be performed on the source column in the destination table after transformation.
Supported actions are: PRESERVE
— This field is only configurable when the target column is specified.
— If operation is protect, this field is applicable to source column.
— If operation is reveal, this field is applicable to source column and version header column.PRESERVE Mandatory when Same as Source check-box is not selected. Protection Policy Protection policy to be used.If the protection policy doesn't exist, create one. Mandatory Version Header Column Name of the column that will store the version header details.
The version header column can't be null, empty; also, it should not start or end with space.Mandatory when external versioned protection policy is used in transformation. Note
Fixed length file in destination is only supported with FPE algorithms.
When the destination is Fixed Length File, BDT does the following changes in the version header field:
If the value of
version header column
length is greater than 7, spaces are added in the version header value.If the value of
version header column
length is less than 7, spaces are added in the version header name.If the
version header column
is already present in source, the column length of the original column will be used.
Similarly, you can add more columns.
Click Add. To add more tables, repeat steps mentioned in the Table and Column Info section.
Click Next to go to the Confirmation screen.
On the Data Source Info screen, select the following details:
Field Description Default Required SOURCE data-source Source of the data to be transformed. If the data-source doesn't exist, create one. Mandatory Same as Source If selected, the transformation will happen in the source table of the source data-source. Optional Destination data-source Destination where the transformed data will be stored. If the data-source doesn't exist, create one. Mandatory when Same as Source check-box is not selected. Click Next to go to Table and Column Info.
Table and Column Info
On the Table and Column Info screen:
Click Add Table.
Under the SOURCE section, enter the following details:
Field Description Default Required Table Source table name to be transformed. Mandatory Schema Owner (Schema) of the source table. Optional (Optional.) Click Show Subset/Filter Options. This action allows you to configure subsets and filters.
Under the SUBSET section, specify the following details:
Field Description Default Required Offset Start record index. 0 Optional Limit Maximum number of records/rows to be transformed, starting from offset. 0 Optional Recurrency Whether to transform every row in a sequence or skip rows in-between. 1 Optional Order By Sort the selected records. Optional Order Let user select the sorting order of the recordes. Supported options are
— Ascending
— DescendingAscending Optional Under the FILTERS section, specify the following details:
Field Description Default Required Selector Name of the column. Mandatory to configure filter. Operator Operator to be used. Some examples are <, >, <= >=, !=, = Mandatory to configure filter. Expression Evaluates filter on selector using specified operator. Note
Example of Filter:
Salary > 10000
is the Selector,>
is the Operator,10000
is the Expression.Mandatory to configure filter. Similarly, you can add more filters.
Under the DESTINATION section, enter the following details:
Field Description Default Required Table Destination table name where the data will be transformed. Mandatory Schema Owner (Schema) of the destination table. Optional Create Destination Table if it does not exist Select to create destination table if it doesn't exist. Optional Click Next to go to the Column Info screen and enter the following details:
Field Description Default Required Source Column Name Name of the source column.
The source column can't be null, empty; also, it should not start or end with space.Mandatory Same as Source If selected, the details of the SOURCE data-source will be replicated in the DESTINATION data-source. Optional Target Column Name Name of the target column. Mandatory when Same as Source check-box is not selected. Operation Operation to be performed on the column.
Supported options are:
— Protect
— Reveal
— ReprotectMandatory ACTIONS Action to be performed on the source column in the destination table after transformation.
Supported actions are:
— This field is only configurable when the target column is specified.
— If operation is protect, this field is applicable to source column.
— If operation is reveal, this field is applicable to source column and version header column.PRESERVE Mandatory when Same as Source check-box is not selected. Protection Policy Protection policy to be used.If the protection policy doesn't exist, create one. Mandatory Version Header Column Name of the column that will store the version header details.
The version header column can't be null, empty; also, it should not start or end with space.Mandatory when external versioned protection policy is used in transformation. Similarly, you can add more columns.
Click Add. To add more tables, repeat steps mentioned in the Table and Column Info section.
Click Next to go to the Confirmation screen.
On the Data Source Info screen, select the following details:
Field Description Default Required SOURCE data-source Source of the data to be transformed. If the data-source doesn't exist, create one. Mandatory Same as Source If selected, the transformation will happen in the source table of the source data-source. Optional Destination data-source Destination where the transformed data will be stored. If the data-source doesn't exist, create one. Mandatory when Same as Source check-box is not selected. - Click Next to go to Table and Column Info.
Table and Column Info
On the Table and Column Info screen:
Click Add Table.
Under the SOURCE section, enter the following details:
Field Description Default Required Table Source table name to be transformed. Mandatory Schema Owner (Schema) of the source table. Optional (Optional.) Click Show Subset/Filter Options. This action allows you to configure subsets and filters.
Under the SUBSET section, specify the following details:
Field Description Default Required Offset Start record index. 0 Optional Limit Maximum number of records/rows to be transformed, starting from offset. 0 Optional Recurrency Whether to transform every row in a sequence or skip rows in-between. 1 Optional Order By Sort the selected records. Optional Order Let user select the sorting order of the recordes. Supported options are
— Ascending
— DescendingAscending Optional Under the FILTERS section, specify the following details:
Field Description Default Required Selector Name of the column. Mandatory to configure filter. Operator Operator to be used. Some examples are <, >, <= >=, !=, = Mandatory to configure filter. Expression Evaluates filter on selector using specified operator. Note
Example of Filter:
Salary > 10000
is the Selector,>
is the Operator,10000
is the Expression.Mandatory to configure filter. Similarly, you can add more filters.
Click Next to go to the Column Info screen and enter the following details:
Field Description Default Required Source Column Name Name of the source column. The source column can't be null, empty; also, it should not start or end with space. Mandatory Same as Source If selected, the details of the SOURCE data-source will be replicated in the DESTINATION data-source. Optional Target Column Name Name of the target column. Mandatory when Same as Source check-box is not selected. Operation Operation to be performed on the column.
Supported options are:
— Protect
— Reveal
— ReprotectMandatory ACTIONS Action to be performed on the source column in the destination table after transformation.
Supported actions are:
— This field is only configurable when the target column is specified.
— If operation is protect, this field is applicable to source column.
— If operation is reveal, this field is applicable to source column and version header column.PRESERVE Mandatory when Same as Source check-box is not selected. Protection Policy Protection policy to be used.If the protection policy doesn't exist, create one. Mandatory Version Header Column Name of the column that will store the version header details.
The version header column can't be null, empty; also, it should not start or end with space.Mandatory when external versioned protection policy is used in transformation. Note
Fixed length file in destination is only supported with FPE algorithms.
When the destination is Fixed Length File, BDT does the following changes in the version header field:
If the value of
version header column
length is greater than 7, spaces are added in the version header value.If the value of
version header column
length is less than 7, spaces are added in the version header name.If the
version header column
is already present in source, the column length of the original column will be used.
Similarly, you can add more columns.
Click Add. To add more tables, repeat steps mentioned in the Table and Column Info section.
Click Next to go to the Confirmation screen.
On the Data Source Info screen, select the following details:
Field Description Default Required SOURCE data-source Source of the data to be transformed. If the data-source doesn't exist, create one. Mandatory DESTINATION data-source Destination where the transformed data will be stored. If the data-source doesn't exist, create one. Mandatory Click Next to go to Table and Column Info.
Table and Column Info
On the Table and Column Info screen:
Click Add Table.
(Optional.) Under SOURCE, in the SUBSET section, specify the following details:
Field Description Default Required Offset Start record index. 0 Optional Limit Maximum number of records/rows to be transformed, starting from offset. 0 Optional Recurrency Whether to transform every row in a sequence or skip rows in-between. 1 Optional (Optional.) Under SOURCE, in the FILTERS section, specify the following details:
Field Description Default Required Selector Name of the column. Mandatory to configure filter. Operator Operator to be used. Some examples are <, >, <= >=, !=, = Mandatory to configure filter. Expression Evaluates filter on selector using the specified operator. Note
Example of Filter:
Salary > 10000
is the Selector,>
is the Operator,10000
is the Expression.Mandatory to configure filter. Similarly, you can add more filters.
Under the DESTINATION section, enter the following details:
Field Description Default Required Table Destination table name where the data will be transformed. Mandatory Schema Owner (Schema) of the destination table. Optional Create Destination Table if it does not exist Select to create destination table if it doesn't exist. Optional Click Next to go to the Column Info screen and enter the following details:
Field Description Default Required Source Column Name Name of the source column. The source column can't be null, empty; also, it should not start or end with space. Mandatory Same as Source If selected, the details of the SOURCE data-source will be replicated in the DESTINATION data-source. Optional Target Column Name Name of the target column. Mandatory when Same as Source check-box is not selected. ACTIONS Action to be performed on the source column in the destination table after transformation.
Supported actions are:
— This field is only configurable when the target column is specified.
— If operation is protect, this field is applicable to source column.
— If operation is reveal, this field is applicable to source column and version header column.PRESERVE Mandatory when Same as Source check-box is not selected. Protection Policy Protection policy to be used.If the protection policy doesn't exist, create one. Mandatory Version Header Column Name of the column that will store the version header details.
The version header column can't be null, empty; also, it should not start or end with space.Mandatory when external versioned protection policy is used in transformation. Click Add. To add more tables, repeat steps mentioned in the Table and Column Info section.
Click Next to go to the Confirmation screen.
On the Confirmation screen, verify the job configuration details. The Confirmation screen displays general information, data source details, and table and column information.
If you want to modify any detail, click Edit and update the details.
Click Add Job Configuration.
Click Close to exit the setup.
Viewing/Editing Job Configuration
Viewing details of job configuration
Log on to the CipherTrust Manager GUI as administrator.
Open Application Data Protection.
In the left pane, click Job Configurations. The Job Configurations page displays the following details:
Column | Description |
Name | Name of the job configuration. |
Source Data Source | Name of the source data-source. |
Destination Data Source | Name of the destination data-source. |
Created On | Date and time when the job configuration was created. |
Last Modified | Time when the job configuration was last modified. |
Description | Description of the job configuration. |
Editing details of job configuration
Log on to the CipherTrust Manager GUI as administrator.
Open Application Data Protection.
In the left pane, click Job Configurations. The list of job configuration is displayed.
Click the overflow icon (
) corresponding to the job configuration that you want to edit.
Click View/Edit. The mini detail view shows the details of job configuration, such as general info, data source, table and column info. On this page, you can modify the following fields:
Description of the job configuration
Path of unprocessed record file
Source and destination data sources
The data source type can't be switched between database and files.
The CSV data source type can't be changed to Fixed Length File and vice-versa.
Table details. You can either edit the existing table or create a new table. When modifying the existing table, following parameters are editable:
Source Column Name
Target Column Name (only editable If Same as Source check-box is not selected)
Click Update.
Deleting Job Configuration
To delete a job configuration:
Log on to the CipherTrust Manager GUI as administrator.
Open Application Data Protection.
In the left pane, click Job Configurations. The list of job configurations is displayed.
Click the overflow icon (
) corresponding to the job configuration that you want to delete.
Click Delete. A message appears prompting to confirm the job configuration deletion.
Deleting a job configuration is permanent and cannot be undone.
Click Delete. The job configuration is deleted.
Next Topic
After the job configuration is created, you can run the job from the: