Managing GuardPoints
A GuardPoint specifies the list of folders that contain paths to be protected. Access to files and encryption of files under the GuardPoint is controlled by security policies.
Before you apply GuardPoints:
A CTE Agent must be installed on the client system and registered with CipherTrust Manager.
A client must be added to the CipherTrust Manager. The client is automatically added to the CipherTrust Manager on successful registration with the CipherTrust Manager.
Policies must be created using the encryption keys on the CipherTrust Manager. This involves creation of policy elements and encryption keys. Refer to Managing Policies for details.
A GuardPoint must be created. No one must be using the directory to be guarded before making it a GuardPoint.
If users are working on the directory when it is made a GuardPoint, they can continue to use data in memory rather than use the actual data in the GuardPoint. Inform users to:
Save their work
Close applications that are running on the directory
Exit the directory before applying the GuardPoint
When the users re-enter the directory, they will use protected data and the CTE Agent will work appropriately.