Unix/Linux Command Reference

The simplest way to complete installation or uninstallation of SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C, or to change the Cryptoki provider on any of the Unix/Linux platforms, is to use the Unix Installation Utility. The utility ensures that the correct commands for your platform are executed automatically. See Using the Unix Installation Utility for more information.

If you wish to enter platform-specific commands manually, use the commands in this section.

Manual Installation

Before adding or removing packages, you must become the super-user on the host system.

NOTE   The Runtime and SDK packages cannot be installed concurrently. To switch from one package to the other, uninstall the package that is no longer required and then install the new one.

The Runtime and SDK packages are packaged using the standard packaging software for each system. The latest versions of the client software and HSM firmware can be found on the Thales Technical Support Customer Portal. See Support Contacts for more information.

To install the software on your host system

1.Refer to the following table for the name of the package to be installed on your operating system.

Linux Platforms
Runtime package PTKcprt
SDK package PTKcpsdk

2.Refer to the following table for the package required and locate the row for the correct operating system, as installed on the host system. Use the program and commands listed to install the software.

Runtime Package
Operating System Program Example Commands
Solaris (SPARC & Intel) pkgadd(1M)
pkgadd -d /cdrom/Solaris/PTKC_Runtime
Linux rpm(8)
cd <path to directory>/Linux/PTKC_Runtime
rpm -i PTKcprt-x.xx-y.i386.rpm

(where x.xx-y refers to the version of the software)

AIX installp
cd <path to directory>/AIX/PTKC_Runtime
installp -acgNQqwX -d . PTKcprt.rte
HP-UX swinstall
cd <path to directory>/HP-UX/PTKcpr
swinstall PTKcprt.depot


SDK Package
Operating System Program Example Commands
Solaris (SPARC & Intel) pkgadd(1M)
pkgadd -d /cdrom/Solaris/PTKC_SDK
Linux rpm(8)
cd <path to directory>/Linux/PTKC_SDK
rpm -i PTKcpsdk-x.xx-y.i386.rpm

(where x.xx-y refers to the version of the software)

AIX installp
cd <path to directory>/AIX/PTKC_SDK
installp -acgNQqwX -d . PTKcpsdk.rte
HP-UX swinstall
cd <path to directory>/HP-UX/PTKcpsdk
swinstall PTKcpsdk.depot

3.Add the /opt/safenet/protecttoolkit5/ptk/bin directory to the execution path and the /opt/safenet/protecttoolkit5/ptk/lib directory to the library path. The following commands may be used to configure your paths for the sh(1) shell. Please consult your operating system manual for other shells.

Operating System Commands

Solaris (SPARC & Intel) 32-bit


export PATH
Solaris (SPARC) 64-bit
export PATH=/opt/safenet/protecttoolkit5/ptk/bin/sparcv9:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/safenet/protecttoolkit5/ptk/lib/sparcv9
export PATH
export LIBPATH
export PATH

Once installed, the software is ready to use under /opt/SafeNet/protecttoolkit5.

Changing the Cryptoki Provider manually

This section applies to the SDK package only.

Different SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C Cryptoki provider files are required if an HSM is present (PCI or network mode) or not (software-only mode).

Both Cryptoki provider files are installed with the SDK package. On Unix/Linux systems, the software-only Cryptoki provider is made active by default.

To change the default Cryptoki provider selection

Remove the soft-link:

/opt/safenet/protecttoolkit5/ptk/lib/libcryptoki.so or
/opt/safenet/protecttoolkit5/ptk/lib/libcryptoki.a (for AIX)

and recreate it to point to the SafeNet HSM Cryptoki provider.  For example, the following shell commands may be used to enable the HSM (executed as the super-user):

# cd /opt/safenet/protecttoolkit5/ptk/lib
# rm libcryptoki.so
# ln -s libcthsm.so libcryptoki.so

The following shell commands may be used to enable the software emulation (executed as the super-user):

# cd /opt/safenet/protecttoolkit5/ptk/lib
# rm libcryptoki.so
# ln -s libctsw.so libcryptoki.so

Manual uninstallation

Before adding or removing any packages, you must become the super-user on the host system.

To uninstall the software from your host system

1.Identify the name of the package to be uninstalled from your system.

Linux, Solaris and AIX Platforms
Runtime package PTKcprt
SDK package PTKcpsdk

2.Use the program and command listed to remove the software, where <package name> is the correct name of the package to be uninstalled.

Operating System Program Command
Solaris (SPARC & Intel) pkgrm(1M)
pkgrm <package name>
Linux rpm(8)
rpm -e <package name>
AIX installp*
installp -u <package name>
HP-UX swremove
swremove <package name>

* smit can also be used

** sam can also be used