syslog show

Display the current log rotation configuration, and show the configured log levels. Optionally show a list of the log files.


syslog show [-files]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-files -f Binary option. If this option is present, a list of all log files is presented. If this option is absent, then a summary of log configuration is shown, without the file list.


psesh:>syslog show -files

Syslog configuration

   Rotations:         4
   Rotation Period:   weekly

Configured Log Levels:
cron:      *                                                /var/log/cron
boot:      *                                                /var/log/boot

Note: '*' means all log levels.

LogFileName                   Size Date Time
anaconda.ifcfg.log            4550  Aug 5 09:49
anaconda.log                 20753  Aug 5 09:49
anaconda.program.log         38069  Aug 5 09:49        102111  Aug 5 09:49
anaconda.syslog              78833  Aug 5 09:49
anaconda.yum.log             25369  Aug 5 09:49
audit                         4096  Aug 5 09:53
boot.log                      1870  Aug 5 10:44
btmp                           768  Aug 5 09:54
cron                          1445  Aug 5 10:50
dmesg                        44346  Aug 5 09:52
dracut.log                  149964  Aug 5 09:49
lastlog                     146000  Aug 5 10:36
maillog                        191  Aug 5 09:53
messages                     59317  Aug 5 11:00
secure                        2858  Aug 5 10:37
spooler                          0  Aug 5 09:43
tallylog                         0  Aug 5 09:42
wtmp                         11904  Aug 5 10:37

Command Result : 0 (Success)