network interface

Configure the appliance network interfaces. You can use static IP addressing or DHCP. Static addressing is the default.

User Access

admin, pseoperator


network interface


network interface -device <netdevice> -ip <IP> -netmask <IP> [-gateway <IP>] [-force]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
bonding b Configure network interface bonding. See network interface bonding.
delete del Delete the network configuration for a network interface (eth0 or eth1). See network interface delete.
-device <netdevice> -d

Specifies the interface you want to configure.

Valid values: eth0, eth1

dhcp dh Set a network interface with a DHCP IP configuration. See network interface dhcp.
-force -f Force the action without prompting.
-gateway <IP> -g Specifies the gateway to assign to the specified device.
-ip <IP> -i Specifies the IP address to assign to the specified device.
-netmask <IP> -n Specifies the network mask, in dotted-decimal format (for example,, to assign to the specified device.
static s Sets a network interface with a static IP configuration. See network interface static.