This function will prompt the user for the PIN of the specified user on the given slot.
The result is returned in the pPin parameter. The number of CK_CHARs copied into pPin is returned in pPinLen, which is also used as input to the function. If the number of CK_CHARs entered is larger than the number passed in pPinLen, the function will return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL and the required size will be returned in pPinLen.
#include < uicallbacks.h >
CK_RV(* UICB_PromptPin_t)( CK_SLOT_ID slotId, CK_BBOOL fConfirm, CK_USER_TYPE userType, CK_CHAR * pPin, CK_ULONG * pPinLen );
Parameter | Description |
slotId | ID of the slot for which to prompt for the PIN. |
fConfirm | Flag to indicate whether or not to confirm entered PIN. |
userType | User whose PIN should be prompted for. |
pPin | Pointer to buffer to accept PIN as entered by the user. |
pPinLen | Pointer to a CK_ULONG specifying the length of the buffer. Upon successful completion of the function, the CK_ULONG will contain either the number of bytes copied into pPin, or the length required to hold the entered PIN. |