Operating Modes and Access Providers

SafeNet high-level cryptographic APIs such as SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C can be used in one of three operating modes. These are:

>PCIe mode in conjunction with a locally-installed ProtectServer PCIe HSM cryptographic services adapter. See PCIe Mode Setup Procedure.

>Network mode over a TCP/IP network, in conjunction with a compatible product such as the ProtectServer Network HSM. A machine with a SafeNet ProtectServer PCIe HSM installed may also be used as a server in network mode. See:

Network Mode Setup using a ProtectServer Network HSM

Network Mode Setup using a ProtectServer PCIe HSM Adapter

>Software-only mode on a local machine without access to a hardware adapter, for development and testing purposes.

In software-only mode, it is not necessary to install access provider software.

In PCI and network modes, access provider software allows the high-level cryptographic API to access an associated HSM. The access provider software packages also include device drivers required by the API to access maintenance utilities and other software associated with the selected operating mode.

Access Provider Types

To use a high-level cryptographic API in either PCIe mode or Network mode, the relevant HSM access provider must be installed.

ProtectServer PCIe HSM Access Provider

The ProtectServer PCIe HSM Access Provider software package (file name: PTKpcihsm2) contains the device driver for a compatible, locally-installed SafeNet cryptographic services adapter such as the ProtectServer PCIe HSM (see PCIe Mode Setup Procedure).

>In PCIe mode, PTKpcihsm2 must be installed with the high-level cryptographic API on the local machine.

>In network mode, PTKpcihsm2 must be installed on the server side, where the ProtectServer PCIe HSM is installed. See Network Mode Setup using a ProtectServer PCIe HSM Adapter.

ProtectServer Network HSM Access Provider

In network mode, the ProtectServer Network HSM Access Provider software package (filename: PTKnethsm) must be installed with the high-level cryptographic API on the client-side machine (see Network Mode Setup using a ProtectServer Network HSM and Network Mode Setup using a ProtectServer PCIe HSM Adapter). The package includes the Net Client software required to provide cryptographic services using SafeNet hardware devices over a TCP/IP network.

HSM Network Server

When using a ProtectServer PCIe HSM in network mode, the SafeNet HSM Net Server package (filename: PTKnetsvr) must be installed in the server side machine with the HSM adapter (see Network Mode Setup using a ProtectServer PCIe HSM Adapter). The SafeNet cryptographic services adapter and the ProtectServer PCIe HSM Access Provider software package (file name: PTKpcihsm2) must be installed first.