Slot and Token Management

Creating Slots

To create slots on the HSM, select File>Create Slot, or click Create Slots on the toolbar. A dialog will prompt for the number of slots to be created.

NOTE   It is not possible to add slots using GCTADMIN while other ProtectToolkit-C applications are running.

Removing Slots

Before removing slots from ProtectToolkit-C, ensure that the contained token and objects are not in use.

To remove a slot

Select File> Delete Slots. A list of available slots is displayed. Select the slot to delete from the list and click the Delete button.

NOTE   The slot containing the Admin Token cannot be deleted.

Initializing a Token

The initialization of a token is performed to set the user and token SO PIN.

To initialize a token

1.Select Edit> Tokens… from the menu to open the Manage Tokens dialog.

2.Select an uninitialized token from the slot drop-down box.

3.Click Initialize. The Initialize Token dialog will prompt for the token label, SO PIN and User PIN. A token is considered initialized after entry of the SO PIN. The User PIN must be set at this time, but will not be required until an application requires storage on that slot. User PINs are case-sensitive, and must be 4-32 characters in length.

NOTE   PINs have to be entered twice to confirm correct entry.

4.Click Done to exit the Manage Tokens dialog.

Setting the Token User PIN

To set a token user PIN

1.Select Edit> Tokens...

2.Select an initialized token from the slot drop-down box, then click User PIN. If the selected token does not have a current User PIN, the dialog will prompt for the SO PIN in order to authorize the creation of the new User PIN. User PINs are case-sensitive, and must be 4-32 characters in length.

If the selected token already has a User PIN assigned, the dialog will prompt for the current and new User PIN to be entered.

NOTE   PINs have to be entered twice to confirm correct entry.

3.Click Done to exit the Manage Tokens dialog.

Setting the Token SO PIN

1.To set a token SO PIN, select Edit>Tokens….

2.Select an initialized token from the slot drop-down box, then click SO PIN. The dialog will prompt for the current and new SO PIN to be entered. User PINs are case-sensitive, and must be 4-32 characters in length.

NOTE   Enter PINs twice to confirm correct entry.

3.Click Done to exit the Manage Tokens dialog.

Resetting a Token

A token reset can only be done to initialized tokens. Admin tokens cannot be reset and any attempt to do so will display a warning.

NOTE   Resetting a token will erase all objects and user data on that token and set a new user PIN.

To reset a token

1.Select an initialized token from the slot drop-down box, and then click Reset and enter the token SO PIN to open the Initialize Token dialog.

2.Enter a token label, SO PIN and User PIN. A token is considered initialized after entry of the SO PIN. The User PIN does not have to be set until an application requires storage on that slot. User PINs are case-sensitive, and must be 4-32 characters in length.

NOTE   PINs have to be entered twice to confirm correct entry.

3.Click Done to exit the Manage Tokens dialog.