User Interface

When opened, the ctbrowse window contains two panels, left and right. The left panel contains slots, tokens, and objects; the right panel contains services.

Initially, the left panel lists only one item, representing the linked PKCS#11 version. This item represents a tree control. Double-clicking items on the tree will expand the available slots. Double-click new slot items to show tokens in slots.

NOTE   More than one slot containing a token may be available. All slots can be opened and browsed independently.

The left panel shows a typical ctbrowse session, where the first token (0) has been opened to display its objects and mechanisms. The numbers in square brackets [ ] represent the slot identifiers used to address these items.

The browser can show more than one slot and can be combined with other ProtectToolkit-C products, such as the remote client/server, ProtectToolkit-C ProtectServer (PCI adapter) and ProtectToolkit-C ProtectHost, to allow it to show slots from other PKCS#11 devices, including foreign (non-SafeNet) PKCS#11 devices.

Tree View

The figure below depicts the tree hierarchy. Tree items are identified by labeled icons. The * indicates more than one item at that level of the tree.

Figure 1: Tree Hierarchy

  └── Slot*
       └── Token
            ├── Session*
            ├── Objects
            │    │
            │    └── Object*
            │         │
            │         └── Attribute
            └── Mechanisms
                 └── Mechanism*