
fcrypt is a file encryption program that takes a recipient's public key and sender's private key and uses these to encrypt and sign the contents of a file. Random transport keys for triple DES are generated for the bulk file content encryption. Alternately the Password Based Encryption (PBE) variant can be used so that only the password needs to be shared and no public keys/certificates need to be exchanged.

fcrypt is a console application that takes the following arguments:


fcrypt [-d] [-t] [-o<outfile>] -p<password> infile

fcrypt [-d] [-t] [-o<outfile>] -s<key> -r<key> infile

NOTE   Correct usage is to either to provide a PBE-password, or to provide a sender and recipient key.


Option Description
-h View help
-d Decrypt instead of encrypt
-o Output file name
-p PBE password
-r Recipient key name
-s Sender key name
-t Report timing info

Key Naming Syntax:

<token name>(<user pin>)/<key name> 
for example,  -s"Alice(0000)/Sign" 

NOTE   fcrypt is also provided as an example tutorial in API Tutorial: Development of a Sample Application