Supported Operations

Encrypt and Decrypt No
Sign and Verify No
SignRecover and VerifyRecover No
Digest No
Generate Key/Key-Pair No
Wrap and Unwrap No
Derive Yes
Available in FIPS Mode Yes
Restrictions in FIPS Mode None

Key Size Range (bytes) and Parameters

Minimum 16
FIPS Minimum 16
Maximum 32


This mechanism is used to perform key derivation for TUAK functions F1, F1* and F2 as per the specification TS-35.231, available at, using the PKCS functions C_DeriveKey().

The mechanism requires the 16- or 32-byte TUAK key 'K' to be initialized as an AES key on the HSM slot. The key should have the CKA_DERIVE attribute set to TRUE. The 16- or 32-byte Operator Variant key should be stored on the HSM slot as a Generic Secret key (CKK_GENERIC_SECRET).

The mechanism takes a parameter, CK_TUAK_DERIVE_PARAMS. See ctvdef.h for description.

The resultant derived key(s) are of the type "CKK_GENERIC_SECRET" using the supplied user template. Attempts to create any other type of key will result in an error.

NOTE   Only a 16- or 32-byte AES key and a 16- or 32-byte Operator Variant are supported with this mechanism.

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