Supported Operations

Encrypt and Decrypt Yes
Sign and Verify No
SignRecover and VerifyRecover No
Digest No
Generate Key/Key-Pair No
Wrap and Unwrap Yes
Derive No
Available in FIPS Mode No

Key Size Range (bytes) and Parameters

Minimum 8
Maximum 8
Parameter None


This is a padding mechanism. Implemented padding mechanisms are:






These block cipher mechanisms are all based on the corresponding Electronic Code Book (ECB) algorithms, implied by their name, but with the addition of the block-cipher padding method detailed in PKCS#7.

These mechanisms are supplied for compatibility only and their use in new applications is not recommended.

PKCS#11 version 2.20 specifies mechanisms for Chain Block Cipher algorithms with and without padding and ECB algorithms without padding, but not ECB with padding.  These mechanisms fill this gap. The mechanisms may be used for general data encryption and decryption and also for key wrapping and unwrapping (provided all the access conditions of the relevant keys are satisfied).

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