Supported Operations

Encrypt and Decrypt No
Sign and Verify No
SignRecover and VerifyRecover No
Digest No
Generate Key/Key-Pair No
Wrap and Unwrap No
Derive Yes
Available in FIPS Mode No

Key Size Range (bytes) and Parameters

Minimum 16
Maximum 32
Parameter Data to be encrypted


This mechanism functions as described in the PKCS#11 version 2.20 documentation from RSA Laboratories, with the following exception:

CAUTION!   PKCS#11 version 2.20 points to a CK_KEY_DERIVATION_STRING_DATA structure. If this structure is passed as a parameter, it contains pointers to the data located in host memory, and the HSM will crash during execution.

Figure 1: CKM_AES_ECB_ENCRYPT_DATA mechanism

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