Logger Setup

As discussed above, the logger logs information passing between an application and the ProtectToolkit-C host library to a log file. The following configuration steps must be carried out before starting the application.

1.Activate logging by setting up redirection of ProtectToolkit-C host library calls sent from the application so that they are instead delivered to the logger. 

2.Store the name and filepath of the ProtectToolkit-C host library file for the logger to use when forwarding the redirected calls it receives to their intended destination. 

If required, you may also:

3.Change the name and location of the log file from the default values.

4.Change the amount of detail recorded by the logger from the default settings.

Each of these steps is covered in detail in the sections that follow. Once they have been carried out, the logger is active whenever the application is running. To deactivate the logger, see Deactivating Logger Operation.