
This function operates as specified in PKCS#11.

Note however that when multiple devices are installed in a single machine they will appear as a set of consecutive slots.  For example, for two devices using their default configuration, 4 slots are visible. The first and third slots are normal user slots, the second and fourth slots are the Admin slots for their respective adapters.


        CK_BBOOL tokenPresent,
        CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList,
        CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount

Operation in WLD Mode

When ProtectToolkit is configured to operate in WLD mode, this function returns the list of slots specified in the WLD configuration. Specifically:

>When tokenPresent is FALSE, and pSlotList is NULL_PTR, the value *pulcount is set to hold the number of WLD Slots.

>When tokenPresent is FALSE, and pSlotList is not NULL_PTR, the value *pulcount is set to hold the number of WLD Slots and pSlotList contains the list of WLD Slots.

>When tokenPresent is TRUE, and pSlotList is NULL_PTR, the value *pulcount is set to hold the number of WLD Slots that have available HSM Tokens.

>When tokenPresent is TRUE, and pSlotList is not NULL_PTR, the value *pulcount is set to hold the number of WLD Slots that have available HSM Tokens and pSlotList contains the list of WLD Slots that have available HSM Tokens.