Key Parameter Objects

ProtectToolkit-C includes support for key parameter objects (as specified in PKCS#11 2.11 draft 3). These objects are used to store parameters associated with DSA or DH keys. It is possible to generate new objects of this type using the C_GenerateKey function.

Key parameter objects (object class CKO_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS) hold public key generation parameters. This version of Cryptoki recognizes the following types of key parameters: DSA and Diffie-Hellman. The following table defines the footnotes that apply to each of the following attribute tables:

Table 1: Common footnotes for key parameter attribute tables
1 Must be specified when object is created with C_CreateObject.
2 Must not be specified when object is created with C_CreateObject.
3 Must be specified when object is generated with C_GenerateKey or C_GenerateKeyPair.
4 Must not be specified when object is generated with C_GenerateKey or C_GenerateKeyPair.

The following table defines the attributes common to key attribute objects in addition to the common attributes listed in Table 1: Common Object Attributes and Table 1: Common Storage Object Attributes:

Table 2: Common Key Parameter Attributes
Attribute Data Type Meaning
CKA_KEY_TYPE1 CK_KEY_TYPE Type of key the parameters can be used to generate.

TRUE only if key parameters were either:

>generated locally (that is, on the token) with a C_GenerateKey

>created with a C_CopyObject call as a copy of key parameters which had its CKA_LOCAL attribute set to TRUE

Common footnotes for key parameter attribute tables

The rules applying to the CKA_LOCAL mean that this attribute has the value TRUE if and only if the key was originally generated on the token by a C_GenerateKey call.

DSA Public Key Parameter Objects

DSA public key parameter objects (object class CKO_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS, key type CKK_DSA) hold DSA public key parameters.  The following table defines the DSA public key parameter object attributes, in addition to the common attributes listed in Table 1: Common Object Attributes, Table 1: Common Storage Object Attributes, and Common footnotes for key parameter attribute tables:

Table 3: DSA Public Key Parameter Object Attributes
Attribute Data Type Meaning
CKA_PRIME1,4 Big integer Prime p (512 to 1024 bits, in steps of 64 bits)
CKA_SUBPRIME1,4 Big integer Subprime q (160 bits)
CKA_BASE1,4 Big integer Base g
CKA_PRIME_BITS2,3 CK_ULONG Length of the prime value

Common footnotes for key parameter attribute tables

The CKA_PRIME, CKA_SUBPRIME and CKA_BASE attribute values are collectively the “DSA parameters”. See FIPS PUB 186 for more information on DSA key parameters.

Objects of this type may be generated by using the C_GenerateKey with the CKM_DSA_PARAMETER_GEN mechanism.

Diffie-Hellman Public Key Parameter Objects

Diffie-Hellman public key parameter objects (object class CKO_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS, key type CKK_DH) hold Diffie-Hellman public key parameters. The following table defines the Diffie-Hellman public key parameter object attributes, in addition to the common attributes listed in Table 1: Common Object Attributes, Table 1: Common Storage Object Attributes, and Common footnotes for key parameter attribute tables:

Table 4: Diffie-Hellman Public Key Parameter Object Attributes
Attribute Data Type Meaning
CKA_PRIME1,4 Big integer Prime p
CKA_BASE1,4 Big integer Base g
CKA_PRIME_BITS2,3 CK_ULONG Length of the prime value

Common footnotes for key parameter attribute tables

The CKA_PRIME and CKA_BASE attribute values are collectively the “Diffie-Hellman parameters”. Depending on the token, there may be limits on the length of the key components. See PKCS #3 for more information on Diffie-Hellman key parameters.

Objects of this type may be generated by using the C_GenerateKey with the CKM_DH_PKCS_PARAMETER_GEN mechanism.

Elliptic Curve Public Key Parameter Objects

Elliptic Curve public key parameter objects (object class CKO_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS, key type CKK_EC or CKK_EC_EDWARDS) hold Elliptic Curve public key parameters.

The following table defines the Elliptic Curve public key parameter object attributes, in addition to the common attributes listed in Table 1: Common Object Attributes, Table 1: Common Storage Object Attributes, and Common footnotes for key parameter attribute tables:

Table 5: Elliptic Curve Public Key Parameter Object Attributes
Attribute Data Type Meaning
CKA_EC_PARAMS1,3,6 Byte Array DER encoding of ANSI X9.62 Parameters value. Applies to CKK_EC keys.

Common footnotes for key parameter attribute tables

The CKA_EC_PARAMS attribute values is the “Elliptic Curve parameters”. Depending on the token, there may be limits on the length of the key components.

ProtectToolkit-C does not support generation of this type of object.

When objects of this type are stored using the C_CreateObject then the domain parameters are verified.

Key Generation Parameter Objects

This object type is used to hold DSA or DH key generation parameters.

The CKA_KEY_TYPE attribute indicates which type of parameters it is holding.

Where the key type is CKK_DSA the attributes should be as follows:

Attribute Data Type Meaning
CKA_KEY_TYPE CK_KEY_TYPE Type of key. Must be CKK_DSA.
CKA_PRIME Big integer Prime
CKA_SUBPRIME Big integer Prime
CKA_BASE Big integer Prime

Where the key type is CKK_DH the attributes should be as follows:

Attribute Data Type Meaning
CKA_KEY_TYPE CK_KEY_TYPE Type of key. Must be CKK_DH.
CKA_PRIME Big integer Prime
CKA_BASE Big integer Prime

See CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN for more details on the Parameter value.