
Utility to initialize (enable), reinitialize, or disable the One-Time Password (OTP) feature for a specified slot and role.

One-Time Password introduces multifactor authentication to the SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C environment. The OTP is a 6-digit number displayed on the SafeNet 110 OTP Token. This 6-digit number is automatically changed every 30 seconds on the token screen. When OTP is enabled for a slot, the User or Security Officer must enter the token PIN, followed by the 6-digit OTP, to log in to the slot. With OTP disabled, only the role's token PIN is required.

See Multifactor Authentication (One-Time Password) for detailed procedures.


Initialize/enable OTP on the specified slot

ctotp init -s<slot_num> -t<token_SN> -x<xml_file> -p<passcode_file> [-O]

Log in to the specified slot using OTP

ctotp login -s <slot_num> [-O]

Re-initialize OTP on the specified slot

ctotp reinit -s<slot_num> -t<token_SN> -x<xml_file> -p<passcode_file>

Disable OTP on the specified slot

ctotp del -s<slot_num> [-O]

NOTE   Since the SafeNet 110 OTP token is time-based, ensure that the HSM time is in sync with the client by running ctconf -t on the client machine before you initialize OTP.


Command Description
del Disable OTP for the specified slot (-s). To disable OTP for the Security Officer role, include the -O option.
init Initialize/enable OTP for the specified slot (-s). You must specify the SafeNet 110 OTP Token serial number (-t), and filepaths to TokenSeed.xml (-x) and PSCKPassword.txt (-p). To initialize OTP for the Security Officer role, include the -O option.
login Log in to the HSM token. To log in as the Security Officer, include the -O option.
reinit Re-initialize OTP for the User on the specified slot (-s) using a different SafeNet 110 OTP Token. The Security Officer must log in to use this command. You must specify the SafeNet 110 OTP Token serial number (-t), and filepaths to TokenSeed.xml (-x) and PSCKPassword.txt (-p). You may re-initialize OTP for the User or Administrator roles only.


Option Description

--slot-num =<slotnum>

Specifies the slot on which to initialize, re-initialize, or disable OTP.


--token-name =<label>

Specifies the desired SafeNet 110 OTP Token serial number (located on the back of the device). This serial number must match a number in the provided TokenSeed.xml file.

-x<xml_file> Specifies the full or relative filepath to the TokenSeed.xml file.
-p<password_file> Specifies the full or relative filepath to the PSCKPassword.txt file.
-O Specifies that the command applies to the Security Officer role (or the Administration Security Officer role on the Admin token).
-h, -?


Display help information.


Initialize/enable OTP on the specified slot

ctotp.exe init -s0 -tGALT10282853 -xC:\otp\seed.xml -pC:\otp\passcode.txt -O

Please Enter the Security Officer Token PIN:


OTP Initialization Successful.


Log in to the specified slot using OTP

>ctotp login -s0

Please Enter the Token PIN:


OTP Login Successful.


Re-initialize OTP on the specified slot

ctotp reinit -s0 -tGALT10282857 -xc:/otp/seed.xml -pc:/otp/passcode.txt

Please Enter the Security Officer Token PIN:

Please Enter the Token PIN:


OTP Re-Initialization Successful.


Disable OTP on the specified slot

ctotp delete -s0

Please Enter the Token PIN:


OTP Deletion Successful.


Exit Status

The ctotp utility will return a zero (0) exit status when successful. A non-zero exit status is returned on an error. Warnings are not treated as errors.