syslog cleanup

Creates a .tar archive of logs currently on the HSM, and deletes all log files. The resulting archive is saved to the appliance SCP directory for transfer, named "logs_cleanup_YYYYMMDD_hhmm.tgz".

User Access



syslog cleanup


psesh:>syslog cleanup

WARNING !!  This command creates an archive of the current logs and then DELETES ALL THE LOG FILES.
If you are sure that you wish to proceed, then type 'proceed', otherwise type 'quit'.

> proceed
Creating tarlogs then deleting all log files ...

The tar file containing logs is now available via scp as filename "logs_cleanup_20191105_1607.tgz".
Please copy "logs_cleanup_20191105_1607.tgz" to a client machine with scp.

Deleting log files ...
restart the rsyslogd service if it's running

Command Result : 0 (Success)