sysconf snmp config

Configure the SNMP server on the appliance.

User Access



sysconf snmp config -contact <string> -location <string> -ip <IP_address> -community <string>

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-community <string> -com

Specifies the community string for the SNMP server on the appliance. SNMP community strings function as passwords that are embedded in every SNMP packet to authenticate access to the Management Information Base (MIB) on the appliance.

Enter this keyword followed by the community string.

-contact <string> -con

Specifies the contact information for the SNMP server on the appliance.

Enter this keyword followed by the contact information string. Enclose the string in quotes if it contains spaces.

-ip <IP_address> -i

Specifies the IP address of the SNMP trap destination.

Enter this keyword followed by the IP address of the host used to accept SNMP traps that originate on the appliance.

-location <string> -l

Specifies the location of the SNMP server on the appliance.

Enter this keyword followed by the location string. Enclose the string in quotes if it contains spaces.


psesh:>sysconf snmp config -contact testcontact -location testlocation -ip -community testcommunity

Command Result : 0 (Success)