PSESH Commands

This chapter describes how to access and use the PSESH shell command line tool to configure your ProtectServer Network HSM appliances.

The commands are presented alphabetically and provide:

>a brief description of the command function

>the command syntax and parameter descriptions

>usage examples.

The top-level commands are as follows:

Argument(s) Description
audit Manage HSM auditing tasks. Only available to the audit user. See audit.
exit Exit the PSESH shell. See exit.
files Manage the files that have been transferred to the appliance’s SCP directory. See files.
help Display syntax help for the specified command. You can use the ? symbol instead of the string help as an alternative way of displaying the help. See help.
hsm Display the current state of the HSM, or reset the HSM if it becomes unresponsive. See hsm.
network View or configure the network settings for the ProtectServer Network HSM appliance. See network.
package Manage the software packages installed on the appliance. See package.
service Manage the services on the appliance. See service.
status Display the current status of the appliance. See status.
sysconf Configure the appliance time, date, or SNMP settings, or reboot or power-off the appliance. See sysconf.
syslog Display or archive the syslog. See syslog
user Set or change the password of the current user. See user password.