Software-Only Mode Configuration

After installing the ProtectToolkit-C Software Development Kit (SDK) on your computer system further changes, as detailed in this section, may be made to customize the installation and optimize its performance.

Storage Location Assignment

The software only variant of ProtectToolkit-C uses the local file system for storing keys and configuration information. By default, the directory C:\cryptoki is used under Windows and $HOME/.cryptoki/cryptoki under UNIX. It is possible to use a storage location other than the default location for your system by setting the value of the ET_PTKC_SW_DATAPATH configuration item to that of the path required.

For example, on a UNIX machine, to temporarily set the location to /usr/local/cryptoki the following /bin/sh shell commands would be used:

# ET_PTKC_SW_DATAPATH=/usr/local/cryptoki

This change can be made at the temporary, user or system levels on both UNIX and Windows platforms. Refer to Configuration Items for further details on how to go about this if required.