Serial Communication Functions

This section contains functions for using the serial ports on the HSM. Note that in emulation mode, the serial ports on the host system are used.

If you specify serial port 0, the output is redirected to the hsmtrace log.

The following functions are provided by libfmserial.a:













This function returns the number of serial ports available.


int SERIAL_GetNumPorts(void);

Return Code

The number of serial ports available.


Gets a weak ownership of the port. Subsequent calls to this function with the same parameter will fail unless SERIAL_Close() is called for the same port.


int SERIAL_Open( int port );
Parameter Description
port Serial port number (0 based). Specify port 0 to redirect the output to the hsmtrace log.

Return Code

0: Port opened successfully

others: An error prevented the serial port from opening


This function in no way guarantees safe sharing of the ports.

Any application can call SERIAL_Close() to get the access to the port, or can use SERIAL functions without opening the port first.


This function is used to release ownership of the serial port.


void SERIAL_Close(int port);
Parameter Description
port Serial port number (0 based). Specify port 0 to redirect the output to the hsmtrace log.

Return Code





This function initializes the specified serial port to the parameters “9600 8N1” with no handshake.


int SERIAL_InitPort(int port);
Parameter Description
port Serial port number (0 based). Specify port 0 to redirect the output to the hsmtrace log.

Return Code

0: The serial port was initialized successfully.

-1: There was an error initializing the port.


SERIAL_SendData() function is used to send a character array over a serial port.


#include <serial.h>  applies to all SERIAL_* functions
int SERIAL_SendData(int port,
unsigned char *buf,
int bufLen,
long timeout);
Parameter Description
port Serial port number (0 based). Specify port 0 to redirect the output to the hsmtrace log.
buf Pointer to an array of bytes to be sent
bufLen Length of the buffer, in bytes

Milliseconds to wait for a character to be sent. A timeout of -1 will use the default timeout.

NOTE   The timeout value refers to the total time taken to send the data. For example, a 2 millisecond timeout for sending 10 characters in 9600 baud setting will always fail - the timeout must be at least 10 milliseconds.

Return Code

0: The characters were sent successfully.

-1: There was an error.


The SERIAL_WaitReply() function waits for a character to appear on the serial port.


int SERIAL_WaitReply( int port );
Parameter Description
port serial port number (0 based). Specify port 0 to redirect the output to the hsmtrace log.

Return Code

0: There is a character at the serial port.

-1: Timeout occurred, and no data appeared.


The SERIAL_ReceiveData() function is used to receive an arbitrary length of characters from the serial port.


int SERIAL_ReceiveData(int port, 
unsigned char *buf,
int *len,
int bufLen,
long timeout);
Parameter Description
port Serial port number (0 based). Specify port 0 to redirect the output to the hsmtrace log.
buf Pointer to an array of bytes, which will hold the received data.
len Pointer to an integer which will hold the actual number of characters received.
bufLen Both the maximum amount of data, in bytes, of the buffer,and the number of bytes requested from the serial port.
timeout Milliseconds to wait for a character to appear. A timeout of -1 will use the default timeout

Return Code

0: Requested number of bytes has been received.

-1: Less than the requested number of bytes have been received.


This function flushes the receive buffer of the specified serial port.


void SERIAL_FlushRX( int port );
Parameter Description
port Serial port number (0 based). Specify port 0 to redirect the output to the hsmtrace log.


This function reads the current state of the control lines, and writes a bitmap into the address pointed to by 'val'. Only the input bits (CTS, DSR, DCD, RI) reflect the current status of control lines.


int SERIAL_GetControlLines( int port, 
unsigned char *bitmap);
Parameter Description
port Serial port number (0 based). Specify port 0 to redirect the output to the hsmtrace log.
bitmap Pointer to a character, which will have the resulting bitmap

Return Code

0: The function succeeded

-1: The function failed. The value in the bitmap is not valid


#define MCL_DSR 0x01
#define MCL_DTR 0x02
#define MCL_RTS 0x04
#define MCL_CTS 0x08
#define MCL_DCD 0x10
#define MCL_RI  0x20
#define MCL_OP_SET 1
#define MCL_OP_CLEAR 2


This function is used to modify the control lines (DTR/RTS).


int SERIAL_SetControlLines( int port, 
unsigned char bitmap,
int op);
Parameter Description
port Serial port number (0 based). Specify port 0 to redirect the output to the hsmtrace log.
bitmap Bitmap of control lines to be modified. Input control lines are silently ignored.
op One of MCL_OP_SET/MCL_OP_CLEAR to set/clear the control lines specified in the bitmap parameter

Return Code

0: The function succeeded

-1: The function failed


The same constants used in SERIAL_GetControlLines() function are also used in this function.


Used to set the serial port communication parameters.


int SERIAL_SetMode( int port, 
int baud,
int numBits,
SERIAL_Parity parity,
int numStop,
SERIAL_HSMode hs);
Parameter Description
port Serial port number (0 based). Specify port 0 to redirect the output to the hsmtrace log.
baud Baud rate.
numBits Number of bits in a character. Should be 7 or 8

One of the following:






numStop Number of stop bits in a character. Should be 1 or 2

Handshake type. Should be one of the following:




NOTE   Serial flow control is not implemented in the current HSM firmware. This value should be set to SERIAL_HS_NONE.

Return Code

0: Mode changed successfully

-1: There was an error