FM Header Definition Macro

The FM header contains information which is used at runtime and must be present in all FMs.

The use of the DEFINE_FM_HEADER macro simplifies the definition of FM header structure and also ensures that the header is placed in the appropriate location in the FM binary image.

#include <mkfmhdr.h>



MY_FM_NUMBER: Must be the manifest constant FMID of the FM, in this software version.

FM_VERSION: A 16 bit integer, of the form 0xmmMM, where mm is the minor number, and MM is the major number (It is displayed as in ctconf). Example: V1.0f . is encoded as 0x0f01.

SERIAL_NO: An integer representing the serial number of the FM.

MANUFACTURER_ID: A string of at most 32 characters, which contains the manufacturer name. This does not need to be NULL terminated.

PRODUCT_ID: A string consisting of a maximum of 16 characters, which contains the FM name. This does not need to be NULL terminated.