Current Application ID functions

These functions can be used to obtain and manipulate the PID (process ID) and OID (Originator ID - currently unused) of the calling application.

Normally, SVC_GetPid() and SVC_GetOid() functions are used to obtain these values. However, in patched PKCS#11 functions, the necessary value of token is not available; the provided functions must be used instead.






This function returns the PID recorded in the current request originated from the host side. if there is no active request (e.g. a call from Startup()function), FM_DEFAULT_PID is returned.


#include <fmappid.h>ditto for other FM ID functions
unsigned long FM_GetCurrentPid(void);

Return Code

The PID of the application which originated the request.


This function returns the OID recorded in the current request originated from the host side. if there is no active request (e.g. a call from Startup()function), FM_DEFAULT_OID is returned.


unsigned long FM_GetCurrentOid(void);

Return Code

The OID of the application which originated the request.


This function overrides the PID recorded in the current request originated from the host side. If there is no active request the function does nothing.


unsigned long FM_SetCurrentPid(unsigned long pid);
Parameter Description
pid The new PID to be recorded in the request.

Return Code



This function overrides the OID recorded in the current request originated from the host side. If there is no active request the function does nothing.


unsigned long FM_SetCurrentOid(unsigned long oid);
Parameter Description
oid The new OID to be recorded in the request.

Return Code