Cipher Object Functions

The Cipher Object is a wrapper that provides a common interface for all supported cryptographic algorithms. It is implemented as a structure containing the addresses of functions, as well as a data pointer that keeps the internal state of the instance. The contents of the data field are private, and should not be accessed or modified externally.

In this section, the following functions in the cipher object are specified:





















>Config (Obsolete)

>Status (Obsolete)

>EncodeState (Obsolete)

>DecodeState (Obsolete)


Creates a new instance of the same type of the cipher object. This function can be used as a generic means to clone a cipher object if two cipher operations must be carried out in parallel.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
struct CipherObj * (*New)(struct CipherObj * ctx);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of an existing cipher object. This parameter must not be NULL.

Return Value

Address of a new instance of the Cipher Object. If the system does not have enough memory to complete the operation, NULL is returned.


The returned Cipher Object should be freed by calling its Free() function (see Free).


This function must be used for all cipher objects that are no longer required to free all of its resources. The cipher object must not be used after this function returns.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*Free)(struct CipherObj * ctx);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of the cipher object to be freed.

Return Value



This function can be called to obtain the values of the algorithm-dependent parameters of a cipher object.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*GetInfo)(struct CipherObj * ctx, struct CipherInfo * info);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object.
info The address of the info structure that will contain the algorithm information when the function returns.

Return Value

0: Operation completed successfully.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


The info structure is defined as (from fmciphobj.h):

struct CipherInfo {
char name[32];
unsigned int minKeyLength;
unsigned int maxKeyLength;
unsigned int blockSize;
unsigned int defSignatureSize;
struct CipherObj * ciph;

The field meanings are:

>name: Name of the cipher algorithm. Zero terminated.

>minKeyLength: Minimum key length, in number of bytes

>maxKeyLength: Maximum key length, in number of bytes

>blockSize: Cipher block size, in number of bytes

>defSignatureSize: Default  Signature size, in number of bytes

>ciph: The address of the cipher object (obsolete, and not filled in by most cipher objects).


This function initializes the cipher object for an encrypt operation. It must be called prior to any EncryptUpdate or EncryptFinal calls.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*EncInit)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
int mode,
const void * key, unsigned int klength,
const void * param, unsigned int plength);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
mode The encrypt mode. Different algorithms support different values for this parameter. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for the possible values for a certain algorithm.
key The address of a buffer containing the key value. The encoding of the key is algorithm-dependent. However, for most block ciphers, this buffer contains the key value. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for key encoding information.
klength Number of bytes in the key buffer.
param The address of the buffer containing various parameters for the encrypt operation. The contents and the encoding of this buffer are algorithm and mode dependent. However, for most block ciphers this buffer contains the IV when one of the CBC modes is used. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for key encoding information.
plength Number of bytes in the param buffer.

Return Value

0: The operation was successful.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


This function is used to encrypt some data. It can be used in two ways: discovering the output buffer length, or performing encryption.

If the target buffer address, tgt, is NULL, then the variable pointed to by plen is updated to contain the length of the output that is required to perform the operation.

If the target buffer address is not NULL, then the currently buffered data and the input buffer contents are combined, and as many blocks as possible are encrypted. The result of the encrypted blocks are placed in the output buffer. If there are any remaining bytes, they are internally buffered. The number of bytes placed in the target buffer is also written to the variable pointed by plen.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*EncryptUpdate)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
void * tgt, unsigned int tlength, unsigned int * plen,
const void * src, unsigned int length);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
tgt The address of the output buffer. It may be set to NULL for output buffer length estimation.
tlength Total number of bytes available in the output buffer.
plen Address of a variable that will receive the number of bytes placed in the target buffer. This variable must not be NULL.
src Address of the buffer containing the input data.
length Number of bytes in the src buffer.

Return Value

0: Operation completed successfully.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


This function must be called to finish an encryption operation. It can be used for either discovering the target buffer length, or for actually performing the operation.

If the target buffer address, tgt, is NULL, then the variable pointed to by plen is updated to contain the length of the output that is required to perform the operation.

If the target buffer address is not NULL, then the currently buffered data is padded (if the mode permits it), and encrypted. The result is placed in the tgt buffer. The number of bytes placed in the target buffer is also written to the variable pointed by plen. If the current mode does not allow padding, and there is buffered data, then an error is returned.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*EncryptFinal)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
void * tgt, unsigned int tlength, unsigned int * plen);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
tgt The address of the output buffer. It may be set to NULL for output buffer length estimation.
tlength Total number of bytes available in the output buffer.
plen Address of a variable that will receive the number of bytes placed in the target buffer. This variable must not be NULL.

Return Value

0: Operation completed successfully.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


This function finalizes the encryption context. EncInit() must be called again to encrypt more data, even when the key is the same.


This function initializes the cipher object for a decrypt operation. It must be called prior to any DecryptUpdate or DecryptFinal calls.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*DecInit)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
int mode,
const void * key, unsigned int klength,
const void * param, unsigned int plength);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
mode The encrypt mode. Different algorithms support different values for this parameter. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for the possible values for a certain algorithm.
key The address of a buffer containing the key value. The encoding of the key is algorithm-dependent. However, for most block ciphers, this buffer contains the key value. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for key encoding information.
klength Number of bytes in the key buffer.
param The address of the buffer containing various parameters for the encrypt operation. The contents and the encoding of this buffer are algorithm and mode dependent. However, for most block ciphers this buffer contains the IV when one of the CBC modes is used. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for key encoding information.
plength Number of bytes in the param buffer.

Return Value

0: The operation was successful.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


This function is used to decrypt some data. This function can be used in two ways: discovering the output buffer length, or performing decryption.

If the target buffer address, tgt, is NULL, then the variable pointed to by plen is updated to contain the length of the output that is required to perform the operation.

If the target buffer address is not NULL, then the currently buffered data and the input buffer contents are combined, and as many blocks as possible are decrypted. The result of the decrypted blocks are placed in the output buffer. If there are any remaining bytes, they are internally buffered. The number of bytes placed in the target buffer is also written to the variable pointed by plen.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*DecryptUpdate)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
void * tgt, unsigned int tlength, unsigned int * plen,
const void * src, unsigned int length);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
tgt The address of the output buffer. It may be set to NULL for output buffer length estimation.
tlength Total number of bytes available in the output buffer.
plen Address of a variable that will receive the number of bytes placed in the target buffer. This variable must not be NULL.
src Address of the buffer containing the input data.
length Number of bytes in the src buffer.

Return Value

0: Operation completed successfully.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


This function must be called to finish a decryption operation. It can be used for either discovering the target buffer length, or for actually performing the operation.

If the target buffer address, tgt, is NULL, then the variable pointed to by plen is updated to contain the length of the output that is required to perform the operation.

If the target buffer address is not NULL, and the mode is padded mode, the final block is decrypted and the padding bytes are removed before they are placed in the tgt buffer. If there is not exactly one block of data in the buffer, an error is returned.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*DecryptFinal)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
void * tgt, unsigned int tlength, unsigned int * plen);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
tgt The address of the output buffer. It may be set to NULL for output buffer length estimation.
tlength Total number of bytes available in the output buffer.
plen Address of a variable that will receive the number of bytes placed in the target buffer. This variable must not be NULL.

Return Value

0: Operation completed successfully.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


This function finalizes the decryption context. DecInit() must be called again to decrypt more data, even when the key is the same.


This function initializes the cipher object for a signature (MAC for block ciphers) operation. It must be called prior to any SignUpdate, SignFinal or SignRecover calls.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*SignInit)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
int mode,
const void * key, unsigned int klength,
const void * param, unsigned int plength);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
mode The encrypt mode. Different algorithms support different values for this parameter. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for the possible values for a certain algorithm.
key The address of a buffer containing the key value. The encoding of the key is algorithm-dependent. However, for most block ciphers, this buffer contains the key value. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for key encoding information.
klength Number of bytes in the key buffer.
param The address of the buffer containing various parameters for the encrypt operation. The contents and the encoding of this buffer are algorithm and mode dependent. However, for most block ciphers this buffer contains the IV when one of the CBC modes is used. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for key encoding information.
plength Number of bytes in the param buffer.

Return Value

0: The operation was successful.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


This function can be used to update a multi-part signing or MAC operation.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*SignUpdate)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
const void * src, unsigned int length);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
src Address of the buffer containing the input data.
length Number of bytes in the src buffer.

Return Value

0: Operation completed successfully.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


Usually, only block cipher algorithms implement this function.


This function must be called to finish a signing or MAC operation. It can be used for either discovering the target buffer length, or for actually performing the operation.

If the target buffer address, tgt, is NULL, then the variable pointed to by plen is updated to contain the length of the output that is required to perform the operation.

If the target buffer address is not NULL, then the signing operation is completed, and the signature is placed in the output buffer.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*SignFinal)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
void * tgt, unsigned int tlength, unsigned int * plen);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
tgt The address of the output buffer. It may be set to NULL for output buffer length estimation.
tlength Total number of bytes available in the output buffer.
plen Address of a variable that will receive the number of bytes placed in the target buffer. This variable must not be NULL.

Return Value

0: Operation completed successfully.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


This function finalizes the signature context. SignInit() must be called again to sign more data, even when the key is the same.


This function implements a single-part signing or MAC operation. It can be used for either discovering the target buffer length, or for actually performing the operation.

If the target buffer address, tgt, is NULL, then the variable pointed to by plen is updated to contain the length of the output that is required to perform the operation.

If the target buffer address is not NULL, then the signing operation is performed, and the signature is placed in the output buffer.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*SignRecover)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
void * tgt, unsigned int tlength, unsigned int * plen,
const void * src, unsigned int length);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
tgt The address of the output buffer. It may be set to NULL for output buffer length estimation.
tlength Total number of bytes available in the output buffer.
plen Address of a variable that will receive the number of bytes placed in the target buffer. This variable must not be NULL.
src Address of the buffer containing the input data.
length Number of bytes in the src buffer.

Return Value

0: The operation was successful.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


Most block cipher algorithm cipher objects do not implement this function.


This function initializes the cipher object for a signature or MAC verification operation. It must be called prior to any VerifyUpdate, VerifyFinal, Verify or VerifyRecover calls.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*VerifyInit)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
int mode,
const void * key, unsigned int klength,
const void * param, unsigned int plength);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
mode The encrypt mode. Different algorithms support different values for this parameter. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for the possible values for a certain algorithm.
key The address of a buffer containing the key value. The encoding of the key is algorithm-dependent. However, for most block ciphers, this buffer contains the key value. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for key encoding information.
klength Number of bytes in the key buffer.
param The address of the buffer containing various parameters for the encrypt operation. The contents and the encoding of this buffer are algorithm and mode dependent. However, for most block ciphers this buffer contains the IV when one of the CBC modes is used. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for key encoding information.
plength Number of bytes in the param buffer.

Return Value

0: The operation was successful.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


This function can be used to update a multi-part signature or MAC verification operation.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*VerifyUpdate)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
const void * src, unsigned int length);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
src Address of the buffer containing the input data.
length Number of bytes in the src buffer.

Return Value

0: Operation completed successfully.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


Usually, only block cipher algorithms implement this function.


This function must be called to finish a signature or MAC verification operation. It can be used for either discovering the target buffer length, or for actually performing the operation.

If the target buffer address, tgt, is NULL, then the variable pointed to by plen is updated to contain the length of the output that is required to perform the operation.

If the target buffer address is not NULL, then the verification operation is completed. In addition to the verification, the recovered signature is placed in the output buffer.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*VerifyFinal)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
const void * sig, unsigned int slength,
void * tgt, unsigned int tlength, unsigned int * plen);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
sig The address of the buffer containing the signature or the MAC.
slength Number of bytes in the sig buffer.
tgt The address of the output buffer. It may be set to NULL for output buffer length estimation.
tlength Total number of bytes available in the output buffer.
plen Address of a variable that will receive the number of bytes placed in the target buffer. This variable must not be NULL.

Return Value

0: The signature or MAC was correct.

Otherwise, an error occured or the signature or MAC was incorrect. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


This function finalizes the verification context. VerifyInit() must be called again to verify more data, even when the key is the same.


This function implements a single-part signature or MAC verification operation with recovery. It can be used for either discovering the target buffer length, or for actually performing the operation.

If the target buffer address, tgt, is NULL, then the variable pointed to by plen is updated to contain the length of the output that is required to perform the operation.

If the target buffer address is not NULL, then the verification operation is performed. In addition to the verification, the recovered signature is placed in the output buffer.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*VerifyRecover)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
const void * sig, unsigned int slength,
void * tgt, unsigned int tlength, unsigned int * plen,
const void * src, unsigned int length);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
sig The address of the buffer containing the signature or the MAC.
slength Number of bytes in the sig buffer.
tgt The address of the output buffer. It may be set to NULL for output buffer length estimation.
tlength Total number of bytes available in the output buffer.
plen Address of a variable that will receive the number of bytes placed in the target buffer. This variable must not be NULL.
src Address of the buffer containing the input data.
length Number of bytes in the src buffer.

Return Value

0: The operation was successful.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


Most block cipher algorithm cipher objects do not implement this function.

This function finalizes the verification context. VerifyInit() must be called again to verify more data, even when the key is the same.


This function implements a single-part signature or MAC verification operation without recovery. The return value indicates whether the signature or MAC was correct.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*Verify)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
const void * sig, unsigned int slength,
const void * src, unsigned int length);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
sig The address of the buffer containing the signature or the MAC.
slength Number of bytes in the sig buffer.
src Address of the buffer containing the input data.
length Number of bytes in the src buffer.

Return Value

0: The operation was successful.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


Most block cipher algorithm cipher objects do not implement this function.

This function finalizes the verification context. VerifyInit() must be called again to verify more data, even when the key is the same.


This function may be used to load the saved parameters of a cipher object. This function is used in conjunction with the UnloadParam function.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*LoadParam)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
const void * param, unsigned int length);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
param The address of the buffer containing various parameters for the encrypt operation. The contents and the encoding of this buffer are algorithm and mode dependent. However, for most block ciphers this buffer contains the IV when one of the CBC modes is used. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for key encoding information.
length Number of bytes in the param buffer.

Return Value

0: The operation was successful.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


The LoadParam and UnloadParam functions are not very useful, as they do not encode the key value along with the operational parameters.


This function may be used to save the operational parameters of a cipher object. This function is used in conjunction with the LoadParam function.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*UnloadParam)(struct CipherObj * ctx,
void * param, unsigned int length, unsigned int *plen);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
param The address of the buffer containing various parameters for the encrypt operation. The contents and the encoding of this buffer are algorithm and mode dependent. However, for most block ciphers this buffer contains the IV when one of the CBC modes is used. Please consult Algorithm-Specific Cipher Information for key encoding information.
length Number of bytes in the param buffer.
plen Address of a variable that will receive the number of bytes placed in the param buffer. This variable must not be NULL.

Return Value

0: The operation was successful.

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


The LoadParam and UnloadParam functions are not very useful, as they do not encode the key value along with the operational parameters.

Config (Obsolete)

This function can be used to restore the configuration of a cipher object. It is used in conjunction with the Status function.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*Config)(struct CipherObj * ctx, const void * parameters, unsigned int length);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
parameters The address of the buffer that contains the information returned from the Status function.
length Number of bytes in the parameters buffer.

Return Value

0: Operation was successful

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


This function is now obsolete, and is not implemented by any of the cipher objects.

Status (Obsolete)

This function can be used to take a snapshot of the current configuration of the cipher object, which can be used to restore it using the Config function.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*Status)(struct CipherObj * ctx, void * parameters, unsigned int length);
Parameter Description
ctx The address of a cipher object instance.
parameters The address of the buffer that contains the configuration information.
length Number of bytes in the parameters buffer.

Return Value

0: Operation was successful

Otherwise, an error occured. For descriptions of various error codes generated by cipher object functions, see Cipher Object Function Error Codes.


This function is now obsolete, and is not implemented by any of the cipher objects.

EncodeState (Obsolete)

This function definition is left for historical reasons. None of the Cipher objects implement this.

DecodeState (Obsolete)

This function definition is left for historical reasons. None of the Cipher objects implement this.

Cipher Object Function Error Codes

The table below lists the error codes that may be returned from cipher object functions.

Name Value Description
CO_PARAM_INVALID 0x0001 Some input value is invalid or missing.
CO_SIG_INVALID 0x0002 Bad signature during verify operation.
CO_LENGTH_INVALID 0x0003 Invalid length of data or parameter i.e. not multiple of block.
CO_DEVICE_ERROR 0x0004 An unexpected internal error that may be caused by bad input data.
CO_GENERAL_ERROR 0x0005 An unexpected internal error that may be caused by bad input data.
CO_MEMORY_ERROR 0x0006 malloc() failed.
CO_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 0x0007 Output buffer supplied to command is too small.
CO_DATA_INVALID 0x0008 Input data badly formatted.
CO_NEED_IV_UPDATE 0x0009 Not used.
CO_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x000A CiphObj member function not implemented. For example, HMAC Encrypt.
CO_DUPLICATE_IV_FOUND 0x000B Only possible with DES3 output feedback (OFB) mode.
CO_FIPSG_ERROR 0x000C Not used.
CO_FUNCTION_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 0x000D CiphObj member function not implemented. For example,HMAC Encrypt.
CO_POINT_INVALID 0x000E Public key is not valid for the ECC curve.