PCIe Server Configuration for Network Mode
The SafeNet HSM Net Server package (filename: PTKnetsvr) can be installed on machines hosting a SafeNet cryptographic services adapter such as the ProtectServer. This allows it to act as an HSM server for clients running a cryptographic API such as SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C in network mode. The cryptographic services adapter and the SafeNet PCIe HSM Access Provider software package (file name: PTKpcihsm2) must be installed on the server first.
Installation instructions for Windows operating systems are provided in this chapter. For Linux/Unix operating systems, see Using the Unix Installation Utility. The latest versions of the client software and HSM firmware can be found on the Gemalto Technical Support Customer Portal. See Support Contacts for more information.
Windows Installation
Before following the procedure below, ensure that:
>you are logged in as a member of the Windows administrator group.
>the SafeNet ProtectServer PCIe HSM has been installed.
>the SafeNet PCIe HSM Access Provider (PTKpcihsm2) has been installed. See Installation for PCIe Mode.
If you are upgrading the Net Server package, you must uninstall any previous version by using the Windows Programs and Features control panel before proceeding.
To install the SafeNet HSM Net Server package
1.In the installer directory, locate and execute the file PTKnetsrv.msi.
2.Work through the wizard to complete the installation.