
This function is a SafeNet extension to PKCS#11.

This function allows a process to present a security related cryptogram to the HSM. The cryptogram is specified by pTicket and ulTicketLen.

When Secure Messaging System is in ‘No Clear Pins’ mode then this function will expect all request data to be encrypted.

This function introduces a new category of mechanism of type CKF_TICKET which has value (CKF_EXTENSION | 0x40000000).


        CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
        CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObj,
        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
        CK_BYTE_PTR pTicket, 
        CK_ULONG ulTicketLen 

The table below lists the Ticket Mechanisms:

Mechanism Description
CKM_SET_ATTRIBUTES A mechanism to specify attribute changes for an object. It is used to extend the usage limit on a key.