
The SafeNet ProtectServer Network and PCIe HSMs are direct replacements for the legacy PSE and PSI-E HSMs, which have been declared end of sale, and are no longer available for purchase.

Although the SafeNet ProtectServer Network and PCIe HSMs are functionally equivalent to their legacy counterparts, the underlying hardware is significantly different. The major hardware change is to the embedded cryptographic engine used on the HSMs. The legacy PSE/PSI-E HSMs incorporate the K5 cryptographic engine. The SafeNet ProtectServer Network and PCIe HSMs incorporate the more modern K6 cryptographic engine.

Although every effort has been made to mitigate the impact of these hardware changes, the introduction of a new cryptographic engine impacts the following:

>Functionality modules (FMs). The processor used on the SafeNet ProtectServer Network and PCIe HSMs is different from the processor used on the legacy ProtectServer HSMs. As a result, you must rebuild your FMs to run on the new hardware.

>Serial devices. The serial port on the ProtectServer HSMs has been replaced on the SafeNet ProtectServer Network and PCIe HSMs with a USB port and a USB-to-serial cable. Any serial devices that were previously attached to a ProtectServer HSM will continue to work on the SafeNet ProtectServer Network and PCIe HSMs.

In addition to these changes, the SafeNet SafeNet ProtectToolkit also includes some software fixes/enhancements, as described in Software Changes